Slide Show: Why We Travel
"On the trip I was struck by many Kenyans' dedication to stewardship of their natural environment."
FOR seasoned shoppers, "buyer's remorse" is a familiar feeling. "Seller's remorse" may also become common soon, as ever more governments order manufacturers to assume the cost of disposing of their products after consumers are done with them. Until recently, most laws on "extended producer responsibility" (EPR) or "product stewardship" applied only to specific types of goods, such as car tyres or electronics. But in late March Maine, following the lead of several Canadian provinces, became the first American state to enact a blanket EPR law, which could in principle cover any product.
extended/ cradle-to-cradle/ buyer's remorse
It is generally agreed that voluntary carbon offset projects must also prove additionality in order to ensure the legitimacy of the environmental stewardship claims resulting from the retirement of the carbon credit (offset). According the World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WRI/WBCSD) additionality
Forest Stewardship Certification
森林管理委員會(英文:Forest Stewardship Council)縮寫FSC,是一個非政府、非營利組織。它成立於1993年,其發起者為國際上一些希望阻止森林遭到不斷破壞的非政府機構、環保人士、木材貿易組織及具有社會責任感的消費者等。
在林業領域,FSC的標準對社會和環境的要求是最高的,它的可行性在各大洲、不同森林類型、面積和產權制度下已經得到證實。遵循了FSC原則與標準 的要求獲得認證的產品能夠貼FSC的商標,貼有FSC標籤的產品向消費者保證了它們來自於能夠滿足當代人和後代人的社會、經濟和生態需求的森林。森林管理 委員會的認證是由獨立的第三方認證機構來開展的,這就保證了認證的透明度和可信性。
FSC要求森林經營者制訂適合的經營方案並定期對其更新,這個方案必須與FSC的森林管理原則相符合。FSC認證標準要求森林經營者在追求經濟效益 的同時也要考慮到對環境的影響和對林區周邊社區利益的顧及。FSC對於將天然林轉化為人工林的規定非常嚴格,為了保護天然林不被採伐,1994年11月以 後在天然林地上營造的人工林一般不具備認證條件。FSC對林區作業中工人使用的個人防護用品也有嚴格的規定。
隨著國際上對FSC認證產品的需求增加,2007年,貼有FSC標籤的產品銷售額超過了200億美元。FSC也成為了世界上增長最快的森林認證體 系,全球超過7%的用材林是由FSC認證的。FSC已被納入到許多國家的綠色採購政策中,這就提高了國際上對來自於中國的FSC認證木質品的出口需求。