2011年11月4日 星期五

civil disobedience, virtual house arrest

Mr Chen and his family have been kept under virtual house arrest since his release from prison a year ago, with thugs deployed by local officials to keep visitors, especially supporters and journalists, away. The New York Times published a fine account of how, inspired by online reports of Mr Chen’s suffering, admirers have been making their way to his village to see him in what the newspaper called “a rare wave of civil disobedience”. It described how one group of disabled people drove from the neighbouring province of Anhui, only to be stopped at the village by guards.

- Indigenous Canadians resist an oil pipeline

In Canada, indigenous groups are vowing to block a proposed oil pipeline in
northern British Columbia – promising civil disobedience if necessary.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

1 (名目上はそうではないが)実質上の, 事実上の, 実際(上)の
the virtual head of state in the President's absence
2 《光学》虚像の;虚焦点の
a virtual image
a virtual focus
3 《物理学》仮の, 仮想の.
4 《コンピュータ》バーチャルな, 仮想の;ネットワーク[インターネット]上の
virtual landscape

civil disobedience
Refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means.


[名][U]不服従;反抗;(規律・命令などへの)違反((to ...)).
