2011年11月29日 星期二

doozy, annual, seiannual

'BFF,' 'Zombie Bank': Actual New Entries in the Dictionary
The New Oxford American Dictionary has released its annual list of added words, and it's a doozy. Abbreviations like BFF (best friend forever) and TTYL ...

semiannual Pronunciation (adjective) Occurring or payable twice each year.
Usage:Our semiannual family vacation to France usually occurs in December and July.

n. Slang, pl., -zies.
Something extraordinary or bizarre: "Among the delicious names taken by, or given to, minor political parties in the United States . . . are these doozies: Quids, Locofocos, Barnburners, Coodies, Hunkies, Bucktails" (Saturday Review).

[Possibly blend of DAISY and Duesenberg, a luxury car of the late 1920s and 1930s.]
