A Greek Politician Willing to Face the People - NYTimes.com
www.nytimes.com/.../a-greek-politician-willing-to-face-the-people-.htmlwing Syriza Party, was taking stock of the cavernous office she ...
The gay scandal however gives the army-obsessed house captain Fowler (Tristan Oliver) a welcome reason to scheme against Bennett. Fowler dislikes him and Judd and wants to stop The gay scandal however gives the army-obsessed house captain Fowler (Tristan Oliver) a welcome reason to scheme against Bennett. Fowler dislikes him and Judd and wants to stop Bennett from becoming a "God" - a school title for the two top prefects.
There has been lots of media focus on our Essex alumni with links to Syriza this week. David Howarth from the Department of Government has been speaking to The Independent about the ideas which have influenced Rena Dourou and the wider anti-austerity movement.
In five prefectures, or states, more than 215,000 people are now living in 1,350 temporary shelters.
The authorities at first said that an evacuation radius of six miles from the stricken 40-year-old Daiichi 1 reactor plant in Fukushima prefecture was adequate, but, an hour later, the boundary was extended to 13 miles. Vapour, said to consist of minimally radioactive steam, could be seen rising from the plant. And then, in the early hours this morning, there came a 6.4 Richter scale aftershock. More may come.
Workers clear logs that drifted down a flooded river and piled up on the tracks of the JR Kishin Line in Sayo, Hyogo Prefecture, on Monday morning. (SHINICHI IIZUKA/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN)
Line breaks: pre|fect
Pronunciation: /ˈpriːfɛkt /
Definition of prefect in English:
2A chief officer, magistrate, or regional governor in certain countries:each department is governed by a prefect appointedby the President
late Middle English (in sense 2): from Old French, fromLatin praefectus, past participle of praeficere 'set in authority over', from prae 'before' + facere 'make'. sense 1 dates from the early 19th century.
1 (日本・フランス・イタリアなどの)県, 府
2 [U][C]prefectの職[官舎].
Saitama Prefecture
A prefecture (from the Latin Praefectura) is an administrative jurisdiction or subdivision in any of various countries and within some international church structures, and in antiquity a Roman district governed by an appointed prefect.
Prefecture most commonly refers to a self-governing body or area since the tetrarchy when Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into four districts (each divided into dioceses, grouped under a Vicarius (a number of Roman provinces, listed under that article), although he maintained two pretorian prefectures as an administrative level above the also surviving dioceses (a few of which were split).
diocese :教區;主教轄區:聖座所指派由主教全權管理的教會行政區域,亦即託付給主教並在司鐸團協助下所牧養部份天主子民的地區教會。如臺灣地區共分七個教區:即臺北、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、花蓮。由本堂神父管理的區域稱「堂區」,與教區有別。