D. H. Lawrence visited Tahiti on his travels in search of somewhere non-British to live. In his "Critical Studies in Classic American Literature" (1923), Lawrence discusses Typee, Omoo (published on this day in 1847), and Herman Melville’s attraction to the South Seas:
"Never man instinctively hated human life, our human life, as we have it, more than Melville did. And never was a man so passionately filled with the sense of vastness and mystery of life which is non-human. He was mad to look over our horizons. Anywhere, anywhere out of our world. To get away. To get away, out!
To get away, out of our life. To cross a horizon into another life. No matter what life, so long as it is another life.
Away, away from humanity. To the sea. The naked salt, elemental sea. To go to sea, to escape humanity."
To get away, out of our life. To cross a horizon into another life. No matter what life, so long as it is another life.
Away, away from humanity. To the sea. The naked salt, elemental sea. To go to sea, to escape humanity."
At the end of the chapter, Lawrence chastises Melville for coming back to prim New England, to be boxed in by family, career and a false civilization. The essay concludes with Lawrence admitting that he is talking as much about himself as Melville:
"Melville was, at the core, a mystic and an idealist.
Perhaps, so am I.
And he stuck to his ideal guns.
I abandon mine.
He was a mystic who raved because the old ideal guns shot havoc. The guns of the 'noble spirit'. Of 'ideal love'. I say, let the old guns rot.
Get new ones, and shoot straight."
Perhaps, so am I.
And he stuck to his ideal guns.
I abandon mine.
He was a mystic who raved because the old ideal guns shot havoc. The guns of the 'noble spirit'. Of 'ideal love'. I say, let the old guns rot.
Get new ones, and shoot straight."
在研究人員看來,如果想要徹底根除科學領域更廣泛的不平等現象,各界就必須直面並理解這種猶豫不決的心理,以及輕微的、可能出自潛意 識且毫無根據的反數理學科情緒(quantipathy)。充足的證據已經駁斥了那種認為女性大腦根本不能進行空間思維,量子飛躍和數學題運算的觀點。在世界範圍內,女孩的數 學平均成績與男孩大體一致,並無優劣之別。
As researchers see it, that reluctance, that slight and possibly subliminal case of unfounded quantipathy, must be confronted and understood if the wider inequities in science are to be rooted out for good. Ample evidence refutes the notion that female brains just can’t rotate the object, leap the quantum, do the math. Worldwide, girls’ average math scores are on a par with those of boys.
Psychologists say that “priming” people in this way is not some form of hypnotism, or even subliminal seduction; rather, it’s a demonstration of how everyday sights, smells and sounds can selectively activate goals or motives that people already have.
Priming the Unconscious
The idea of subliminal influence has a mixed reputation among scientists because of a history of advertising hype and apparent fraud. In 1957, an ad man named James Vicary claimed to have increased sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn at a movie theater in Fort Lee, N.J., by secretly flashing the words “Eat popcorn” and “Drink Coke” during the film, too quickly to be consciously noticed. But advertisers and regulators doubted his story from the beginning, and in a 1962 interview, Mr. Vicary acknowledged that he had trumped up the findings to gain attention for his business.
Later studies of products promising subliminal improvement, for things like memory and self-esteem, found no effect.
Who’s Minding the Mind?
ADJECTIVE ( primmer, primmest)
VERB ( prims, primming, primmed)
Late 17th century (as a verb): probably ultimately from Old French prin, Provençal prim'excellent, delicate', from Latin primus 'first'.
prime 2
prime the pump
- Stimulate the growth or success of something by supplying it with money:the money was intended to prime the community care pump
Psychology- [形容詞] 〔心理〕 意識下の,閾いき下の,潜在意識の
- a subliminal
- 閾下刺激
- subliminal
- サブリミナル知覚(意識されない微弱な刺激に対する反応・知覚)
- subliminal
- 〔心理〕 閾下学習
- subliminal
- サブリミナル[閾下]広告(映画フィルムなどの間に広告の映像を挿入して瞬間的に写し,潜在意識に訴える).
- ━━ [名詞] (また sublíminal sélf)
- 〔心理〕 閾下自我,潜在的自我.