2013年6月7日 星期五

kid, youth, eyed, nearsightedness, prenatal DNA sequencing

Out of respect for life, one woman decides to forgo prenatal testing

prenatal DNA sequencing

The survey of 1,500 grandparents also found that children chose to research what life was like for their elderly relatives in their youth rather than asking the grandparents themselves, with just 33 percent of grandparents having been asked: ’What was it like when you were young?’



1 informal a child or young person:
 《中英對照讀新聞》UK kids turn to Google instead of grandparents for advice英國年輕人樂於求教於Google 而不是祖父母
 這篇多談:  children

 Why Nearly 90% of Asian Kids Are Nearsighted
By Alice Park
Nearsightedness is reaching epidemic proportions in East Asia. And it's not only studying that's to blame. It's the lack of exposure to bright light outdoors.

Back in the 18th century, Adam Smith propounded a very different idea: products had an unshakable value equal to the cost of the labor put into them. Much of Porter’s book can be seen as a vehicle for the author to explain to Smith just how wrong he was. Porter marshals an impressive array of research to show all the ways consumers can be shortsighted, self-indulgent, oblivious and inconsistent — not to mention hugely vulnerable to profit-eyed marketers.


(īd) pronunciation
Having eyes of a specified number or kind. Often used in combination: one-eyed; blue-eyed.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[sáitid]
1 〈人が〉目の見える, 晴眼の.
2 ((複合語))視力が…の

Definition of kid


  • 1 informal a child or young person: she collected the kids from school
  • used as an informal form of address:we’ll be seeing ya, kid!
  • 2a young goat.
  • [mass noun] leather made from a young goat’s skin: [as modifier]:white kid gloves

verb (kids, kidding, kidded)

[no object]
  • (of a goat) give birth: milk fever usually occurs in heavy milkers shortly after kidding


kids' stuff (North American kid stuff)

informal a thing regarded as very easy or simple to do:all this was kids' stuff compared to the directing

our kid

British informal one’s younger brother or sister (often used as a form of address):come here, our kid

Definition of youth

noun (plural youths /juːðz/)

  • 1 [in singular] the period between childhood and adult age:he had been a keen sportsman in his youth
  • [mass noun] the qualities of vigour, freshness, or immaturity as associated with being young:she imagined her youth and beauty fading
  • an early stage in the development of something:this publishing sector is no longer in its youth
  • 2a young man:he was attacked by a gang of youths
  • [treated as singular or plural] young people considered as a group:black youth has experienced high levels of racial discrimination [as modifier]:youth culture


Old English geoguth, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch jeugd, German Jugend, also to young

Word Trends

Youth was once the ultimate state, envied and romanticized by those who had left it behind, with youths themselves celebrated as the possessors of beauty and potential. But that time has passed, with the Oxford English Corpus telling a sorry tale of the state of today’s youth: unemployed, disaffected, nuisance, and drunken are some of the most common modifiers, while almost all of the verbs associated with youths are violent or threatening, with attack, smash, vandalize, intimidate, and assault all scoring highly. And youths cannot simply meet—they congregate, gather, and even plague: intimidating gangs of baseball-capped youths congregating around the newsagents a shopping parade plagued by nuisance youths. Teenagers fare equally badly, commonly being the object of verbs such as kill, stab, arrest, and molest and described as troubled, rebellious, spotty, or pregnant.


Pronunciation: /priːˈneɪt(ə)l/

Definition of prenatal


  • before birth; during or relating to pregnancy:prenatal development



