2013年6月28日 星期五

abstain, stone cold sober,teetotaler, abstinence, teetotal

Westerwelle: Germany to abstain in UN Palestine vote

Germany plans to abstain during Thursday's vote at the UN General Assembly
on the Palestinians' diplomatic status. German Foreign Minister Westerwelle
said the expected UN endorsement would run counter to peace efforts.

In All Those Pages, a Surprise or Two

Among the many provisions in the law are an excise tax on indoor tanning and money for abstinence programs.

Abstinence Education Done Right
No single approach will reduce sexual activity in all teenagers, but a new study suggests that there is a sensible, effective way to teach abstinence.

The book is delicious, in its minimalist, essayistic way. But it sends you out the door a bit hungry, and stone sober.

February 25, 2009, 10:00 pm

Rock Star, Meet Teetotaler

In the restaurant, the little tables shimmered under the moody lighting. It was just the kind of lightning, I knew, that after a few drinks would take on a shadowy glow and make our table the only table, a tiny oasis. But here I was: stone cold sober, out of the house for the first time in weeks, and meeting new people — an intimidatingly attractive couple with bright smiles and even brighter careers.


ab • stain
æbstéin, əb-
abstained (過去形) • abstained (過去分詞) • abstaining (現在分詞) • abstains (三人称単数現在)
1 (行為・快楽を)慎む, 控える, 自制する, 節制する(refrain)((from ...));(…するのを)断つ, やめる((from doing))
abstain from premarital sex
abstain from drinkingsmoking
2 (投票を)棄権する((from ...))
abstain from voting

  1. Relating to or made of stone: a stone wall.
  2. Made of stoneware or earthenware.
  3. Complete; utter: a stone liar.
Completely; utterly: stone cold; standing stone still.

never drinking alcohol or opposed to the drinking of alcohol

  1. Of, relating to, or practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
  2. Total; absolute.
[Probably partly TEE1 (pronunciation of the first letter in TOTAL) + total (abstinence), and partly reduplication of TOTAL.]
teetotally tee·to'tal·ly adv.



  • choosing or characterized by abstinence from alcohol:a teetotal lifestyle



Pronunciation: /-ˌizəm/
ab·sti·nence (ăb'stə-nəns) pronunciation
The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse.

[Middle English, from Old French abstenance, from Latin abstinentia, from abstinēns, abstinent-, present participle of abstinēre, to hold back. See abstain.]
abstinent ab'sti·nent adj.
abstinently ab'sti·nent·ly adv.
SYNONYMS abstinence, self-denial, temperance, sobriety, continence. These nouns refer to restraint of one's appetites or desires. Abstinence implies the willful avoidance of pleasures, especially of food and drink, thought to be harmful or self-indulgent: "I vainly reminded him of his protracted abstinence from food" (Emily Brontë). Self-denial suggests resisting one's own desires for the achievement of a higher goal: I practiced self-denial to provide for my family's needs. Temperance refers to moderation and self-restraint and sobriety to gravity in bearing, manner, or treatment; both nouns denote moderation in or abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic liquor: Teetotalers preach temperance for everyone. "those moments which would come between the subsidence of actual sobriety and the commencement of intoxication" (Anthony Trollope). Continence specifically refers to abstention from sexual activity: The nun took a vow of continence.
