I was just in time for the 8 o’clock prayer held in a small hexagonal chapel designed by Tokyo architect Ken Takagi. Lined entirely in honey-brown wood, with a skylight revealing a patch of sky where the ceiling’s six sloping segments meet, the room felt like its own world. Black-robed monks sat in two banks of wooden desks facing each other, their hoods hanging in long points down their backs. The last few filed in and without a word the service of chanted prayers began.
5. Most of the time you have to be or will be in a semi-trance condition to get such results - a condition when the conscious mind is in temporary abeyance and the subconscious mind, which is part of Omnipotence, that the inspiration comes; and to be careful, however, not to lose consciousness, otherwise the ideas will fade away. That is the way Mozart composed, and when asked what the process was with him while composing, he replied: "The process with me is like a vivid dream". He then went on and described how ideas, clothed in the proper musical setting, streamed down upon him. God and His Omnipotence, His awe-inspiring grandeur, His glory, and above all his closeness to you are things that should be pondered on just before commencing to compose. It is most stimulating and inspiring process to think along those lines before entering that trance-like state in which inspirations come.
Big Companies Try Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing—breaking a project into tiny tasks and farming those tasks out to the general public—can be cheaper and more efficient than hiring temps, some comapnies find.
Crowd-Funding Brings Unease
Congress is considering letting entrepreneurs legally sell equity stakes in their start-ups over the Internet, but critics worry that easing restrictions could lead to fraud.
Op-Ed: When Quoting Verse, One Must Be Terse
American poetry criticism faces a major problem: copyright law.
Arrests in Iran Raise Ire of U.K.
Iran arrested nine local employees of the British Embassy in Tehran, drawing a terse response from the U.K. government and signaling an escalation of tensions.
Movie About a Severed Leg Seeks Backers via Crowdsourcing
Ed Cunningham, an
ESPN sports analyst and documentary producer, is using Kickstarter to
raise funds for a film about a man whose severed leg was the subject of a
legal custody battle.
sourcing vs buying
企業中除採購日常部品(buying) 之外 有的公司將找新供應源的開發工作稱為sourcing
The crowdsourcing concept — collecting contributions from many individuals to achieve a goal — was being used long before Wikipedia. The National Audubon Society has been organizing people to do an annual count of all the birds in the Western hemisphere since Christmas Day, 1900. The Pilsbury Bake-Off — crowdsourcing for a commercial cause — is now 62 years old. But online crowdsourcing is a relatively recent phenomenon, and the efficiencies it brings to communicating within a large group make it useful in many new ways. The commentary is in The New York Times.
Experimental psychology
The roar of the crowd
Crowdsourcing is transforming the science of psychology (6)sourcing vs buying
企業中除採購日常部品(buying) 之外 有的公司將找新供應源的開發工作稱為sourcing
The crowdsourcing concept — collecting contributions from many individuals to achieve a goal — was being used long before Wikipedia. The National Audubon Society has been organizing people to do an annual count of all the birds in the Western hemisphere since Christmas Day, 1900. The Pilsbury Bake-Off — crowdsourcing for a commercial cause — is now 62 years old. But online crowdsourcing is a relatively recent phenomenon, and the efficiencies it brings to communicating within a large group make it useful in many new ways. The commentary is in The New York Times.
Crowd funding (sometimes called crowd financing, crowd sourced capital, or street performer protocol) describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money and other resources together, usually via the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. Crowd funding occurs for any variety of purposes[1], from disaster relief to citizen journalism to artists seeking support from fans, to political campaigns, to funding a startup company or small business[2] or creating free software.
noun [U] FORMAL
a state of not happening or being used at present:
Hostilities between the two groups have been in abeyance since last June.
The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)━━ n. (一時的な)中止, 中絶, 停止; 未定(の状態).
The taste of victory sent the enthusiasm of United Nations forces soaring. Unit commanders were in favor of pursuing the enemy northward without delay. However, orders were held in abeyance as word came that there was grave consternation at United Nations headquarters as to whether the intent of the combined effort had been to repel the invaders or rid the entire peninsula of Communist military forces.
Hillary This Blog's For You: Google First, Media Second
Blogcritics.org - Aurora,OH,USA
Heloise’s best advice: go to the Google gods first folks. Bend your fingers in abeyance, type in a few terse words and bingo, bravo and presto your prayers ...
terseadj., ters·er, ters·est.
Brief and to the point; effectively concise: a terse one-word answer.
[Latin tersus, past participle of tergēre, to cleanse.]
tersely terse'ly adv.terseness terse'ness n.[形](ters・er, ters・est)〈文章などが〉簡明な, 短くきびきびした;そっけない.
IN BRIEF: A shout of approval, often used in applauding a performance.
Tutor's tip: "Brava" is verbal applause for a woman, while "bravo" is verbal applause for a man.
劍橋校刊 掀「波」濤
劍橋網路版校園刊物「The Tab」版面猶如八卦報翻版,內容也以八卦新聞為主,女學生清涼照讓這本刊物成為眾矢之的。 (取自每日郵報網站) |
〔編譯鄭寺音/綜合報導〕著名學府英國劍橋大學總是給人治學嚴謹、學生認真向學的印象,但如果你看過該校的網路校刊「The Tab」,保證對劍橋既有的印象會大幅改觀。
「The Tab」以顛覆紙版校刊的風格創站以來,吸引眾多校友嚐鮮,首週瀏覽率堂堂突破八萬人次,傳統校刊龍頭地位不保;不過「The Tab」內容低俗、讓人噴鼻血的清涼美女版,乍看有如直接取自八卦小報,無怪乎創刊後在保守的劍橋校園掀軒然大波。
打出清涼牌 招徠廣告
「The Tab」以報導名人八卦與體育新聞為主,最近該報最夯的新聞,包括慶祝劍橋女生胸部尺寸榮登英國第九的新聞「波很大」(Bravo),新鮮趣味的風格,轟動劍橋校園,該報向廣告主招攬生意時,甚至以劍橋最多人看的學生刊物為號召。
儘 管如此,「The Tab」猶如八卦報翻版的風格,還是無可避免地引來紙版校園刊物撻伐,劍橋學生會的女性幹部也對清涼照很有意見。學生會幹部絲札蕾克表示,女學生的清涼內 衣照,會讓越來越多人對女性有不當想法;連為了幫朋友忙而拍攝清涼照的女學生,最後也因為實在太尷尬,要求網站移除照片。
創辦「The Tab」的三名男學生對這些批評嗤之以鼻,直說學生會是「可悲的恐龍,不是該死了,就是會漸漸滅種」;創辦人之一的三年級學生阿提格其表示,「我們不是性 別歧視……網站只是小報的玩笑版而已」,他說,「The Tab」讓紙版校刊「Varsity」、「the Cambridge Student」讀者群大幅流失,是因為「學生想迅速取得新聞,而且是要有趣的新聞,他們已經讀太多論文了」。阿提格其也說,該報將延續風格,不會因為有 人抗議而有所改變。
Pronunciation: /ˈhɛksəg(ə)n/
Definition of hexagon