2013年4月25日 星期四

texture, gantry, private label, shipshape

There exist some listeners curious and genuinely interested in Mr. McCartney’s loose moments and toss-offs, who feel that “Hey Jude” has penetrated deeply enough into the world’s culture, who admire the intuitive out-take-iness of records like “Ram” and “McCartney II,” and who wouldn’t mind a little more texture in his shows. They may yet have their day, but this concert was not for them.

In the middle of the set, out of respect to the stage, Mr. McCartney introduced a song by an old Apollo star, Marvin Gaye. It was “Hitch Hike,” which the Beatles played during the “Let It Be” sessions but never recorded, and it was going pretty well, with six women dancing on a platform behind the stage, Ready Steady Go! style. Then the house speakers turned off, only the stage monitors were audible, and a screech of feedback made Mr. McCartney recoil. After some delay the sound-system righted, and the band, with the dancers, took it again from the top. On one hand: that would have been hard to hear in the car. On the other hand: texture!

Light Show
The white light shows the short-range communication system between the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantry and the reader inside the vehicles.

Central Expressway

The Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantry is an electronic toll collection scheme designed to manage traffic flow in congested areas. The charge of passing through a gantry depends on the location and time.

The Promise of Private-label Media
by Matthew Egol, Leslie H. Moeller, and Christopher Vollmer
New York, August 10, 2009 – The growing popularity of private-label media is one of the more provocative developments in today’s marketing and media ecosystem. Every marketer, advertising agency, and media company needs to know its benefits, and, just as important, its implications for the industry.

original equipment manufacturer

Brand sponsored by a wholesaler, retailer, dealer, or merchant, as distinguished from a brand bearing the name of a manufacturer or producer; also called private brand. Manufacturers use either their own name, that of a middleman, or a combination of both when they are marketing their products. Private labeling occurs when middlemen, usually large retailers or wholesalers, develop their own brand. Since manufacturers' (producers') brands have large advertising expenditures built into their cost, a private labeler is able to buy the same goods at a lower cost and thus sell them at a lower price and/or at a better profit margin. In addition, private labelers have more control over pricing and are able to advantageously display their own brands for maximum impact. For example, a grocery store can quickly reduce the price of its own private-label brand in order to meet or beat a competitor's price. Or the grocery store can create a special point-of-purchase advertising display and/or give its brand predominant shelf space in order to boost sales. Private-label brands are usually priced lower than comparable manufacturers' brands and therefore appeal to bargain-conscious consumers. An example of a private-label brand would be a supermarket product bearing a store label with a product's name.

1 《鉄道》信号橋.
2 ガントリー:2つの門形塔を結ぶ骨組み構造.
3 《宇宙》ガントリー(gantry scaffold):大型ロケット打ち上げ用作業塔[架台].
4 たるを支える枠.


(tĕks'chər) pronunciation
  1. A structure of interwoven fibers or other elements.
  2. The distinctive physical composition or structure of something, especially with respect to the size, shape, and arrangment of its parts: the texture of sandy soil; the texture of cooked fish.
    1. The appearance and feel of a surface: the smooth texture of soap.
    2. A rough or grainy surface quality: Brick walls give a room texture.
  3. Distinctive or identifying quality or character: "an intensely meditative poet [who] conveys the religious and cultural texture of time spent in a Benedictine monastery" (New York Times).
  4. The quality given to a piece of art, literature, or music by the interrelationship of its elements: "The baroque influence in his music is clear here, with the harmonic complexity and texture" (Rachelle Roe).
tr.v., -tured, -tur·ing, -tures.
To give texture to, especially to impart desirable surface characteristics to: texture a printing plate by lining and stippling it.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin textūra, from textus, past participle of texere, to weave. See text.]

1 (織物の)織り方;織地, 生地;(一般に)織物;(視覚的・感触的な)表面の感じ;外見, きめ, (材質などからくる)感じ;組織
a rough[a close] texture
the texture of the road surface
2 (意識・社会などの)組織, 構造.
3 本質的[特徴的]な性格, 本質.
4 (物が目に, 食べ物が舌・歯に与える)質感, 歯ごたえ.

shipshape(adjective) Of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder.
Synonyms:trim, well-kept
Usage:Toys were strewn everywhere in the playroom, but we worked together to clean it up and soon had the place shipshape.
