2013年4月19日 星期五

roll, standpoint , oversight,enforcer, strike a pose, strike down, one's sight on

Early on the chief gave him a long menu of “dishes” of torture, to choose what to be served if he disobeyed an order. Among them were “Sichuan-style smoked duck” (the enforcer burns the inmate’s pubic hair and penis tip); “noodles in a clear broth” (the inmate eats a soup of toilet paper and urine); and “naked sculpture” (the inmate stands naked and strikes different poses ordered by the chief).早先,那個頭領給了他一份長長的“菜單”,上面都是各種折磨方式,如果他違背命令,可以選擇以什麼樣的方式受罰。其中有“川味煙熏鴨”(打手去燒犯人的陰毛和龜頭),“清湯掛麵”(犯人吃一碗廁紙和小便做的湯)和“裸體雕塑”(犯人裸體站立,擺出各種頭領要求的姿勢)。

Oji mentioned that last year he attended an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation workshop in Moscow on school lunch programs. Japan sent members of its education ministry, Oji said. Most other nations sent members from their agriculture or farm ministries.
“Japan’s standpoint is that school lunches are a part of education,” Oji said, “not a break from it.”

Romney Uses Victory Lap to Train His Sights on Obama

Mitt Romney effectively took the Republican Party helm on Tuesday after five primary victories in the Northeast solidified his status as presidential nominee-in-waiting. 

On Nov. 13, 1956, the Supreme Court struck down laws calling for racial segregation on public buses.

These things should be understood by now: The present is diverse beyond knowing, history is never completely on anyone’s side, and what we ignore today will be excavated later and held against us the way we hold previous oversights against past generations.
Message to curators: Whatever you’re doing right now, do something else next.

Detroit Bailout May Bring On U.S. Oversight

Congressional Democrats were weighing options for government control of the auto industry, including the possible creation of an oversight board.

Despite Alert, Flawed Wiring Still Kills G.I.’s

Accidental deaths in Iraq caused by faulty electrical work are raising questions about the oversight of contractors.

Amazon.com: Chan Insights and Oversights (9780691029023 ...

www.amazon.com › ... › Buddhism - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
As Bernard Faure examines the study of Chan/Zen from the standpoint of postmodern .... 5.0 out of 5 stars Chan Oversight, rather than insights, April 4, 2005. By ...

 Roll of Disasters
Where Gulf Spill Might Place on the Roll of Disasters
President Obama called the leak in the Gulf of Mexico “the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced.” But is the description accurate?

1 巻き物, 軸;(特に)公文書.
2 名簿;出席簿, 登録簿, 目録, 表
the roll of honor
優 等生[優秀者]名簿;戦没者名簿
call [take] the roll
出 席[点呼]をとる.
3 (輪・円筒形に)巻いた[丸めた]物;1巻, (…の)1本((of ...)). ▼しばしば単位を表す
six rolls of color film
カ ラーフィルム6本.
4 (一般に)丸い物, 円筒形のもの;巻いて作ったもの;巻きタバコ;《料理》ロールカステラ, ロールパン, 巻き肉.
5 (糸巻きなどの)芯, 心棒, 軸;(運搬用)ころ;(圧縮用)ローラー, 地ならし機;ろくろ.
6 (脂肪などの)盛り上がり
rolls of fat
7 (球などの)回転;(船の)横揺れ(⇔pitch)(⇒YAW[名]); (飛行機の)横転;(歩くときの)体の横揺れ, よろめき.
8 (地面の)起伏, 波打ち.
9 よどみない言葉, 朗々たる名調子;(雷などの)とどろき, (太鼓の)連打音;(鳥の)さえずり;(rの)巻き舌(音)
a roll of thunder
雷 鳴.
10 ((米俗))(折りたたんだ)札束, 札びら, 資金, 所持金
carry a huge roll of cash
大 金を持ち歩く.
11 (ギャンブルで)さいころを振る番.
a roll in the hay
on a roll
((略式))つきの波に乗って, 絶好調で;熱中して.
strike off [from] the rolls
会員からはずす, 除名する, 資格を奪う.
[古フランス語←ラテン語rotula (rota車輪+-ula指小辞=小輪)]

have [get] ... (lined up) in one's sights/have [get] one's sights (lined up) on ...
(1) ⇒7
(2) …に照準を合わせている, をねらっている
He had his sights on the Nobel Prize.

strike an attitude (or pose)

hold one’s body in a particular position to create an impression:striking a dramatic pose, Antonia announced that she was leaving
strike down1. Fell with a blow or misfortune, as in The tree was struck down by lightning, or He was struck down by tuberculosis while in his twenties. [Late 1400s]
2. Render ineffective, cancel, especially in a legal context. For example, The appeals court struck down the verdict. [Late 1800s]

過去常常會有一個情形,蔣尚義負責研發,劉德音負責營運,如果有事需要討論,劉德音可能會遇到蔣尚義再講,就會擱下來了。現在他就會馬上去講。培養 第二層的經理人須更獨立,如果事事問co-COO,就太多了,就不是oversight(督導)。不只是反應變快,可以做的事會更多一點。以前都要上面交 代下去,張忠謀希望CEO下面那一層,二十多位主管能更主動。

noun [C or U]

  1. An unintentional omission or mistake.
  2. Watchful care or management; supervision.

a mistake made because of a failure to notice something:
They claimed it was simply (an) oversight.(ō'vər-sīt') pronunciation
  1. An unintentional omission or mistake.
  2. Watchful care or management; supervision.


━━ n. 見落とし, 過失; 監督.
by [through] (an) oversight うっかりして.


stánd • pòint
standpoints (複数形)
1 観点, 視点, 見方
from the standpoint of the philosopher
2 物を見るために人の立つ場所.
