2013年4月14日 星期日

table, meal, palmistry/palmist, hols something in its palm

To that end, Mr Abe’s commitment to join the market-opening Trans-Pacific Partnership is welcome. Yet the fight with the farm lobby (see article), which has held the LDP in its palm, has barely begun.

Thomas Aquinas and other friars were guests at his table.

(mēl) pronunciation
  1. The edible whole or coarsely ground grains of a cereal grass.
  2. A granular substance produced by grinding.
[Middle English mele, from Old English melu.]

meal2 (mēl) pronunciation
  1. The food served and eaten in one sitting.
  2. A customary time or occasion of eating food.
[Middle English mele, from Old English mǣl.]

    1. An article of furniture supported by one or more vertical legs and having a flat horizontal surface.
    2. The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture.
  1. The food and drink served at meals; fare: kept an excellent table.
  2. The company of people assembled around a table, as for a meal.
  3. Games. A piece of furniture serving as a playing surface, as for faro, roulette, or dice. Often used in the plural.
  4. Games.
    1. Either of the leaves of a backgammon board.
    2. tables Obsolete. The game of backgammon.
  5. A plateau or tableland.
    1. A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone.
    2. A stone or gem cut in this fashion.
  6. Music.
    1. The front part of the body of a stringed instrument.
    2. The sounding board of a harp.
  7. Architecture.
    1. A raised or sunken rectangular panel on a wall.
    2. A raised horizontal surface or continuous band on an exterior wall; a stringcourse.
  8. A part of the human palm framed by four lines, analyzed in palmistry.
  9. An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the data are arranged in columns and rows in an essentially rectangular form.
  10. An abbreviated list, as of contents; a synopsis.
  11. An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device.
  12. Anatomy. The inner or outer flat layer of bones of the skull separated by the diploe.
  13. tables A system of laws or decrees; a code: the tables of Moses.
tr.v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
  1. To put or place on a table.
  2. To postpone consideration of (a piece of legislation, for example); shelve.
  3. To enter in a list or table; tabulate.
on the table
  1. Up for discussion: Her new offer is on the table.
  2. Put aside for consideration at a later date.
under the table
  1. In secret.
  2. Into a completely intoxicated state: drank themselves under the table.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin tabula, board.]

palmistry Pronunciation
(noun) The practice or art of telling fortunes from the lines, marks, and patterns on the palms of the hands.
Synonyms:chirology, chiromancy
Usage:She dabbled in fortunetelling and palmistry.

palmist Pronunciation (noun) Fortuneteller who predicts your future by the lines on your palms.
Usage:The palmist's dire predictions weighed heavily on Sally.

1 テーブル;食卓;台(仕事台・遊戯台・手術台など)
a work [an operation] table
at (((米))the) table
食卓について, 食事中に
sit (down) at [to] table
lay [spread, set] the table
She won two thousand dollars at the tables.
2 ((単数形))(食卓に出た)食べ物, 料理(の量と質)
keep [set] a good table
3 ((通例the 〜))((集合的))テーブルを囲む人々, 一座の人.
4 平らな面;平原, 平地, 高台, 高地;《地質学》平らな岩石層.
5 (用途に応じて作られた木・石・金属などの)薄板, 平板;(碑文などを彫り込む)銘板, 碑板.
6 表, 一覧表, 計算表, 目録;((〜s))算術表(九々表・度量衡表など)
a table of contents
目録, 目次
the multiplication table
a logarithmic table
learn one's four times tables
7 ((the 〜s))法律, 法典(laws)
the Twelve Tables of Rome
8 《建築》
(1) 蛇腹(じゃばら).
(2) (石造建築の)額板.
on [upon] the table
(1) はっきり見える所に, 広く知られるように.
(2) ((米))〈議案などが〉延期された, 棚上げされた;((英))検討[上程]中の
lay the motion on the table
turn the tables
(人・集団に対し)形勢[局面]を一変する, 主客転倒させる((on, upon ...)).
▼特に劣勢から優勢へ向かう場合に用いる;the tablesを主語にした受身可.
under the table
(1) (特に夕食のあと)酔いつぶれて.
(2) そでの下[わいろ]として;こっそりと(secretly).
1 …をテーブルの上に置く.
2 …を(表に)記入する;…を表にまとめる.
3 ((米))〈議案・決議を〉棚上げする, 見送る;((英))〈議案・決議を〉審議に付す, 提出する.
1 テーブル(用)の
a table radio [lamp]
2 食事の, 食卓用の;食用に適する.
[古英語tablu(厚板)←ラテン語tabula. △TABULA RASA, TABULATE

have (or hold) someone in the palm of one's hand

have someone under one’s control or influence:she had the audience in the palm of her hand



  • the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers.
  • a part of a glove that covers the palm of the hand.
  • a hard shield worn on the hand by sailmakers to protect the palm in sewing.
  • the palmate part of an antler.


  • 1 [with object] conceal (a card or other small object) in the hand, especially as part of a trick or theft:he would spin wild tales while palming your wristwatch
  • 2 [with object] hit (something) with the palm of the hand.
  • Basketball illegally grip (the ball) with the hand while dribbling.
