'Does Jesus Really Love Me?'
Reviewed by DAN SAVAGE
The gay journalist
Jeff Chu traveled across the country to meet with preachers, pastors
and ministers who fall all over the map when it comes to the issue of
Two years after its government-financed bankruptcy, the company is making billions of dollars in North America, but elsewhere, with the exception of China, the company is struggling to make money.
The European map is outdated and illogical. Here's how it should look
PEOPLE who find their neighbours tiresome can move to another neighbourhood, whereas countries can’t. But suppose they could. Rejigging the map of Europe would make life more logical and friendlier.
Britain, which after its general election will have to confront its dire public finances, should move closer to the southern-European countries that find themselves in a similar position. It could be towed to a new position near the Azores. (If the journey proves a bumpy one, it might be a good opportunity to make Wales and Scotland into separate islands). ...
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Covered with or full of bumps: a bumpy country road.
- Marked by bumps and jolts; rough: a bumpy flight.
bumpiness bump'i·ness n.
Idiom Definitions for 'All over the map'
If something like a discussion is all over the map, it doesn't stick to the main topic and goes off on tangents.