2010年10月21日 星期四

Sikh, turban, poke fun at himself

That willingness to poke fun at himself extends to his appearance. As a Sikh, Mr Banga, 50, wears a turban and has a full beard, making for a striking contrast with Robert Selander, his predecessor and current vice-chairman. “Bob and I joke about it all the time,” Mr Banga says. “I know I look different from a lot of people around the world, but I don’t view that as something that defines me.”

他的勇于自嘲还表现在装束上。现年50岁的彭安杰是一位锡克教徒,戴着头巾,满脸络腮胡子,这与他的前任、目前担任公司副董事长的罗伯特•塞兰德 (Robert Selander)形成了鲜明对比。“我与鲍勃(罗伯特的昵称)总是拿这个开玩笑,”彭安杰表示,“我明白自己的装束和世界上的很多人不一样,但我认为这 并不能真正诠释我本人。”

A Sikh man wearing a Dastar/Pagri
In India, turbans are referred to as a Pagri. The word specifically refers to the headdress that is worn by men and needs to be manually tied. There are several styles which are specific to regions, religion, etc. A Pagri is a symbol of honour and respect across all regions where it is a practice to wear one. It is also why almost of all of these will honour important guests by offering them one to wear.
In British period, The Muslim elites of South Asia especially of western Punjab used to wear long pagri which was also a symbol of nobility, honour and respect. In Punjab and Sindh members of the landed aristrocray always wore this pagri. This pagri was a part of full formal dress and was used to wear with Sherwani.
The Sikh turban, known as the Dastar, is mandatory for all Amritdhari (baptized) Sikhs to wear. The Pheta is worn in Maharashtra and also has regional variants like Puneri and Kolhapuri pheta. In Mysore and Kodagu the turban is known as the Mysore Peta. The Rajastani turban is commonly called the Pagari. It will vary by caste, class, religion and region. It also serves practical functions like protecting from the elements, used as a pillow, blanket or towel. When unravelled, it is used like a rope where it is tied to a bucket to draw water from the well.
The Pagri will also vary in shape, size and colour. The colour will vary related to occasion it will be worn. For example, Saffron (associated with Valour) is worn
