As Zoom and friends tumble, the software that underpins daily life thrives
One perplexity, however, arose, which the gentlemen did not disdain. It regarded a supper-room. At the time of the ballroom's being built, suppers had not been in question; and a small card-room adjoining, was the only addition. What was to be done? This card-room would be wanted as a card-room now; or, if cards were conveniently voted unnecessary by their four selves, still was it not too small for any comfortable supper? Another room of much better size might be secured for the purpose; but it was at the other end of the house,
and a long awkward passage must be gone through to get at it. This made a difficulty. Mrs. Weston was afraid of draughts for the young people in that passage; and neither Emma nor the gentlemen could tolerate the prospect of being miserably crowded at supper.
(Emma by Jane Austen)卷二第十一章
張瑞麟RL譯 :
問題。這間大舞廳當初建造的時候,並沒有考慮晚餐的問題;惟一緊鄰增建的是一間很小的打 牌室。該怎麼辦呢?這間打牌室現在還是要當作打牌室;或者,如果他們四人表決認為打牌是不必要的話,它是否仍舊嫌小,無法成為舒適的晚餐場地呢?還有一間 比較大的房間可能更適合這個用途;可是它是在房子的另一端,必須經過一段相當長又不方便的走道,才能到達那裡。這是它的困難所在。威斯頓太太擔心這些年輕 人會在走道上吹到冷風;艾瑪和兩位男士都無法忍受晚餐時可能的擁擠慘狀。
Citing U.S., British Court Blocks Data on Suspect By RAYMOND BONNER
The court said the U.S. threatened to stop sharing intelligence with Britain if it released information on a man who says he was tortured in American custody.
verb [T] -nn-
to give support, strength or a basic structure to something:
He presented the figures to underpin his argument.
Gradually the laws that underpinned (= formed part of the basic structure of) apartheid were abolished.
SPECIALIZED When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.
noun [C or U]
After a while, we found ourselves questioning the spiritual and philosophical underpinning of the American way of life.
UNDERPIN━━ vt. (建築物の土台に)支柱をかう; 支持[実証]する.
under・pin・ning ━━ n. (建築物の土台)支柱; 支持, 補強; 〔話〕 (pl.) (人の)脚.--這解釋太狹義
In 1885, Fukuzawa - who is revered to this day as the intellectual father of modern Japan and adorns the 10,000 yen bill (the rough equivalent of a $100 bill) - wrote "Leaving Asia,"脫亞 the essay that many scholars believe provided the intellectual underpinning of Japan's subsequent invasion and colonization of Asian nations.
Several networking pioneers are dissatisfied with the Internet's underpinnings, and some are offering remedies to ease the strain that bandwidth-hungry services put on technology networks.
"Drucker's teachings are the underpining(sic) of marketing, and the seeds of consumer behavior."
A potential underpinning of such a claim is tortious interference with a contract, an argument that can be used when a third party gets in the way of a binding contract between two parties, they said.
custody was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
custody (PRISON)
noun [U]
the state of being kept in prison, especially while waiting to go to court for trial:
You will be remanded in custody until your trial.
custodial sentence a period of time that someone must stay in prison
crowd ━━ n. 群集, 人込み; 観衆; (the ~) 民衆; 多数 (a ~ of books); 連中, 仲間.
follow [move with, go with] the crowd 大勢に従う.
Join the crowd! (話し手と同様な経験をした人に向かって)あなたもお仲間ですね.
pass in a crowd 一応満足な, まあまあな.
There's a crowd. 3人目はじゃまだ ((2人だけで居ようとする時にもう1人が入り込もうとする状況)).
━━ vi. 群がる, 込み合う; 押し合ってはいる.
━━ vt. 群がる; 押し合う[込める], ぎゅう詰めにする; つぶす ((down)); (混雑の中で)押す, 押し出す[進める]; 強要する.
In a Europe Torn Over Mosques, A City Offers Accommodation
C On a recent Friday, 200 Muslim worshipers crowded into a former carpentry workshop here for noon prayers. The men knelt on red carpets in a first-floor hall, the women squeezed into the tiny administrative office upstairs.
(By Molly Moore, The Washington Post)
譯者: 洪蘭
原書名: Brain Sex
原書作者:Anne Moir等
In the same way, we might say that men and are taller than women. Look across any crowded room and this will be obvious. Of course some women will taller than some men, and tallest woman may possibly be taller than the tallest man. But statistically men are on average 7 percent taller, and the tallest person in the world, rather than in the room, is certainly a man.
譯評:這段話並不難了解,但譯文有多處錯誤(以「男人有百分之七是比較高的」最離譜),尤其在不該分段處分段,造成邏輯不通;最後才又畫蛇添 足,以括號說明。其實原文前三句談的都是在一個房間裡可能出現的情況,最後一句才是兩性身高的全面情形。我的譯文是:「同理,我們可以說,男性要比女性 高。你從任何擠滿了人的房間放眼望去,都可以證實這一點。當然啦,有些女性會高過某些男性,甚至某個房間裡最高的人,還可能是女的。但統計上,男性平均要 比女性高出百分之七;同時,全世界(而非某個房間裡)最高的人,絕對是男性。」(附註:七個百分點的算法是:男性平均身高168公分減去女性平均身高 157公分,再除以女性平均身高。)
There was no time for farther remark or explanation. The dream must be borne with, and Mr. Knightley must take his seat with the rest round the large modern circular table which Emma had introduced at Hartfield,
and which none but Emma could have had power to place there and persuade her father to use, instead of the small-sized Pembroke, on which two of his daily meals had, for forty years been crowded. Tea passed pleasantly, and nobody seemed in a hurry to move.
group noun
1 [C] a large group of people who have gathered together:
A crowd of about 15 000 attended the concert.
2 [S] INFORMAL a group of friends or a group of people with similar interests:
She goes about with a friendly crowd.
"Who was there?" "Oh, the usual crowd, Dave, Mike and Fiona."
to make someone feel uncomfortable by standing too close to them or by continually watching them:
I need some time to do this work properly, so don't crowd me.
crowd in on (思い出などが,人の脳裏に)押し寄せる, (人の頭を)いっぱいにする.
crowd (on) sail 【海事】多くの帆を張る.
crowd out 押し出す, はみ出させる.
━━ a. 込み合った, 満員の; (生活などが)多事の.
Brazilian officials have become increasingly concerned about the treatment of women and minors in the nation’s crowded prison system and the failure of judges throughout the country to prosecute cases of torture.
crowd・ed・ness n.
crowded-out a. 〔英話〕 (劇場などが)満員で.
crowd-puller 〔話〕 呼びもの, 観客を引き寄せるもの[人].
and a long awkward passage must be gone through to get at it. This made a difficulty. Mrs. Weston was afraid of draughts for the young people in that passage; and neither Emma nor the gentlemen could tolerate the prospect of being miserably crowded at supper.
(Emma by Jane Austen)卷二第十一章
張瑞麟RL譯 :
Citing U.S., British Court Blocks Data on Suspect By RAYMOND BONNER
The court said the U.S. threatened to stop sharing intelligence with Britain if it released information on a man who says he was tortured in American custody.
Few Details on Immigrants Who Died in U.S. Custody
Far more than in the criminal justice system, immigration detainees and their families lack basic ways to get information, even when things go wrong.
verb [T] -nn-
to give support, strength or a basic structure to something:
He presented the figures to underpin his argument.
Gradually the laws that underpinned (= formed part of the basic structure of) apartheid were abolished.
SPECIALIZED When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.
noun [C or U]
After a while, we found ourselves questioning the spiritual and philosophical underpinning of the American way of life.
UNDERPIN━━ vt. (建築物の土台に)支柱をかう; 支持[実証]する.
In 1885, Fukuzawa - who is revered to this day as the intellectual father of modern Japan and adorns the 10,000 yen bill (the rough equivalent of a $100 bill) - wrote "Leaving Asia,"脫亞 the essay that many scholars believe provided the intellectual underpinning of Japan's subsequent invasion and colonization of Asian nations.
Several networking pioneers are dissatisfied with the Internet's underpinnings, and some are offering remedies to ease the strain that bandwidth-hungry services put on technology networks.
"Drucker's teachings are the underpining(sic) of marketing, and the seeds of consumer behavior."
A potential underpinning of such a claim is tortious interference with a contract, an argument that can be used when a third party gets in the way of a binding contract between two parties, they said.
custody was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
custody (PRISON)
noun [U]
the state of being kept in prison, especially while waiting to go to court for trial:
You will be remanded in custody until your trial.
custodial sentence a period of time that someone must stay in prison
━━ n. 保管; 後見, 保護; 監禁, 拘引.
in custody 拘留されて.
in the custody of …に管理[保護]されて.
take into custody 拘引する.

━━ a. 保管[保護]の.

━━ n. 管理人, 保管者; 用務員, 守衛; 【コンピュータ】保管管理者.
crowd ━━ n. 群集, 人込み; 観衆; (the ~) 民衆; 多数 (a ~ of books); 連中, 仲間.
━━ vi. 群がる, 込み合う; 押し合ってはいる.
━━ vt. 群がる; 押し合う[込める], ぎゅう詰めにする; つぶす ((down)); (混雑の中で)押す, 押し出す[進める]; 強要する.
In a Europe Torn Over Mosques, A City Offers Accommodation
C On a recent Friday, 200 Muslim worshipers crowded into a former carpentry workshop here for noon prayers. The men knelt on red carpets in a first-floor hall, the women squeezed into the tiny administrative office upstairs.
(By Molly Moore, The Washington Post)
譯者: 洪蘭
原書名: Brain Sex
原書作者:Anne Moir等
In the same way, we might say that men and are taller than women. Look across any crowded room and this will be obvious. Of course some women will taller than some men, and tallest woman may possibly be taller than the tallest man. But statistically men are on average 7 percent taller, and the tallest person in the world, rather than in the room, is certainly a man.
譯評:這段話並不難了解,但譯文有多處錯誤(以「男人有百分之七是比較高的」最離譜),尤其在不該分段處分段,造成邏輯不通;最後才又畫蛇添 足,以括號說明。其實原文前三句談的都是在一個房間裡可能出現的情況,最後一句才是兩性身高的全面情形。我的譯文是:「同理,我們可以說,男性要比女性 高。你從任何擠滿了人的房間放眼望去,都可以證實這一點。當然啦,有些女性會高過某些男性,甚至某個房間裡最高的人,還可能是女的。但統計上,男性平均要 比女性高出百分之七;同時,全世界(而非某個房間裡)最高的人,絕對是男性。」(附註:七個百分點的算法是:男性平均身高168公分減去女性平均身高 157公分,再除以女性平均身高。)
There was no time for farther remark or explanation. The dream must be borne with, and Mr. Knightley must take his seat with the rest round the large modern circular table which Emma had introduced at Hartfield,
and which none but Emma could have had power to place there and persuade her father to use, instead of the small-sized Pembroke, on which two of his daily meals had, for forty years been crowded. Tea passed pleasantly, and nobody seemed in a hurry to move.
group noun
1 [C] a large group of people who have gathered together:
A crowd of about 15 000 attended the concert.
2 [S] INFORMAL a group of friends or a group of people with similar interests:
She goes about with a friendly crowd.
"Who was there?" "Oh, the usual crowd, Dave, Mike and Fiona."
to make someone feel uncomfortable by standing too close to them or by continually watching them:
I need some time to do this work properly, so don't crowd me.
Brazilian officials have become increasingly concerned about the treatment of women and minors in the nation’s crowded prison system and the failure of judges throughout the country to prosecute cases of torture.
crowd・ed・ness n.
crowded-out a. 〔英話〕 (劇場などが)満員で.