2015年10月30日 星期五

clamor, holler, crematorium, cravat, bow-wow, pooch, shortly

Ending of One-Child Policy Sets Off Clamor on Chinese Social Media

The Paris Review

Eeny, meeny, miny, mo

Catch a tiger by the toe

If he hollers, let him go

Eeny meeny miny mo

Losing Count
How do nonsensical counting-out rhymes like these enter the lexicon?

He hangs in the hall by his black cravat,
The ladies faint, and the children holler:
Only my Daddy could look like that,
And I love my Daddy like he loves his Dollar.

Social-Media Stock Frenzy Fizzles

Investors who six months ago clamored for shares of social-media firms have turned against them with a vengeance as concerns about the sector mount.

The cravat is a neckband, the forerunner of the modern tailored necktie and bow tie, originating from 17th-century Croatia.[2]

bow-wow ,pooch, clamor, shortly

Last week, I sent an e-mail to a friend who had just lost his job. “I'm so sorry,” I wrote. “Your bosses are morons to have got rid of such a genius as you. I can only suppose a queue will shortly stretch round the block as less brain-dead employers clamour to take you on. Hope you are OK.”
The e-mail was heartfelt except for one word, and that was “shortly”.

clamour UKUS clamor
verb [I]
to make a loud complaint or demand:
The children were all clamouring for attention.
[+ to infinitive] She clamours to go home as soon as she gets to school.

clamour UKUS clamor
noun [S or U]
1 a loud complaint about something or a demand for something:
After the bombing, there was a public clamour for vengeance.

2 FORMAL loud noise, especially made by people's voices:
the clamour of the city
a clamour of voices

1 soon:
We will shortly be arriving in King's Cross Station.

2 shortly after/before sth a short time after or before something:
Shortly after you left, a man came into the office looking for you.
The noun bow-wow has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: the bark of a dog
Meaning #2: informal terms for dogs
Synonyms: poochdoggiedoggybarker
    1. The bark of a dog.
    2. Informal. A dog.
  1. Outcry; clamor.
  2. An overbearing manner.
Commanding, especially in an arrogant manner; overbearing.

a dog:
pampered pooch
a big cuddly/cute little pooch

Spa puts the wow in bow-wow
Pioneer Press - St. Paul,MN,USA
BY NANCY NGO. Like their children, Belinda and Raymond Salden of Burnsville want only the best for their pooch, Nike. So they were ...

cre·ma·to·ri·um (krē'mə-tôr'ē-əm, -tōr'-) pronunciationn., pl., -to·ri·ums, or -to·ri·a (-tôr'ē-ə, -tōr'-).
A furnace or establishment for the incineration of corpses.


To speak or say very loudly or with a shout: bawl, bellow, bluster, call, clamor, cry, halloo, roar, shout, vociferate, whoop, yawp, yell.

  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[klǽmər]
[名][U]((またa 〜))
1 (要求・抗議・不満などの)熱烈な叫び, わめき, 怒号
the clamor against foreign intervention
2 (群衆などの)大きな叫び, どよめき.
3 (楽器・瀑布(ばくふ)・あらし・交通などの)大きな騒音, 騒々しい音;(鳥獣の)騒がしい鳴き声
a clamor of bells
━━[動](自)(賛否を)叫ぶ, 騒ぎ立てる((for, against ...));[II to do](…するよう)やかましく要求する
clamor for higher wages
clamor against the government's policy
The soldiers were clamoring to go home.
1 〈人に〉やかましく言って(…)させる((into ...));うるさく騒いで〈人を〉(…から)追い出す((out of ...))
The conservatives clamored the radicals out of office.
2III[名]/that節]〈演説者に〉どなる;…をやかましく言い立てる, 〈…と〉うるさく言う
clamor one's demands
The audience clamored that he should stop speaking.
[ラテン語clāmāre(叫ぶ)+-OR1=叫んでいる状態. △CLAIM
