NASA’s Cassini probe will today fly through icy geysers erupting on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, looking for signs that its ocean has hydrothermal vents like on Earth
holy water font :聖水池:通常置於教堂入口處,教友進聖堂時用右手中指蘸些聖水,在額頭上、胸前、左、右兩肩畫一大十字,同時口誦「因父,及子,及聖神之名,阿們。」表示對耶穌的尊敬,並提醒自己所領受的洗禮,也有淨化心靈之意。
Old Faithful: Yellowstone geyser got its name (1870)
Old Fait |
━━ n. 間欠泉, 噴泉; 〔英〕 自動湯沸し装置.
- A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.
- (gē'zər) Chiefly British. A gas-operated hot-water heater.
[After Icelandic Geysir, name of a hot spring of southwest Iceland, from geysa, to gush, from Old Norse.]