2015年10月28日 星期三

geyser, holy water font, hydrothermal

NASA’s Cassini probe will today fly through icy geysers erupting on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, looking for signs that its ocean has hydrothermal vents like on Earth

Never mind planets. The solar system’s icy moons may well be the best…

holy water font :聖水池:通常置於教堂入口處,教友進聖堂時用右手中指蘸些聖水,在額頭上、胸前、左、右兩肩畫一大十字,同時口誦「因父,及子,及聖神之名,阿們。」表示對耶穌的尊敬,並提醒自己所領受的洗禮,也有淨化心靈之意。

Old Faithful: Yellowstone geyser got its name (1870)

Old Faithful
Old Fait



━━ n. 間欠泉, 噴泉; 〔英〕 自動湯沸し装置.

  1. A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.
  2. ('zər) Chiefly British. A gas-operated hot-water heater.
[After Icelandic Geysir, name of a hot spring of southwest Iceland, from geysa, to gush, from Old Norse.]
