2015年10月10日 星期六

soupçon, indefatigable, stabilization, appallingly

"My heart always fell when I had to sit next to her." Dealing with Margaret Thatcher face to face was "like feeding a fierce animal", according to Robin Butler, her private secretary

THE second of Charles Moore’s epic three-volume authorised biography…

TAIPEI, Dec 15 (Reuters)2008 - Taiwan's National Stabilization Fund will review conditions in the stock market to decide whether to continue to support the ...


A Wing, a Prayer and a Lot of Luck

AUDIA H. DEUTSCH June 17, 2004
United Airlines may need loan guarantees, labor concessions and assorted other financial boosters to get back to robust health. But if colleagues' descriptions of his life are accurate, what Glenn F. Tilton, the airline's chief executive, needs most is sleep.

美國聯合航空公司可能需要種種的借貸擔保、員工的薪資酬勞上的讓步,以及其他的財務激勵措施才可以轉危為安,回復健全的營運健康狀況。不過如果該公司同仁對其企業執行長Glenn F. Tilton的生活之描述正確的話,他最欠缺的可能是睡眠。

"He's in Washington one day, Frankfurt the next, Singapore the third, and back at his desk at week's end," said James J. O'Connor, the United director who led the committee that wooed Mr. Tilton from ChevronTexaco two years ago. "The man is positively indefatigable."
該公司董事James J. O'Connor(他主持的聘雇委員會在兩年前將Tilton先生從ChevronTexaco公司挖角過來)說:「他某天在華府,隔日到法蘭克福,第三天訪新加坡,周末回總不上班。」「他肯定是一位永遠不服輸、不知疲倦的人。」

(ĭn'dĭ-făt'ĭ-gə-bəl) pronunciation
adjective FORMAL
always determined and energetic in attempting to achieve something and never willing to admit defeat:
Annie was an indefatigable campaigner for better community services.】

He probably has no choice. Airline experts say it will take every ounce of personal energy and dedication - and more than a soupçon of sheer luck - for Mr. Tilton to make the skies friendly for United again.

【soupçon (法語)微量、一點點。


(sūp-sôN', sūp'sŏn') pronunciation
A very small amount; a trace: not a soupçon of mercy.

FRIENDLY SKY是該公司過去的核心商務口號和酬賓辦法,我忘了確切稱呼,請自己查。】

Indeed, Mr. Tilton is facing tasks that are every bit as formidable as those he faced as chief executive of Texaco, where he presided over both a bankruptcy and a merger.
formidable adjective
causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because they are impressive, powerful or difficult:
a formidable obstacle/task
a formidable adversary/enemy/opponent
a formidable intellect
DISAPPROVING the director and his formidable wife

The Air Transportation Stabilization Board could rule as soon as this week on whether to provide United, which is operating under bankruptcy protection, with $1.6 billion in loan guarantees, according to people in the airline industry.
【The Air Transportation Stabilization Board美國政府近年的航空業舒困特別委員會】

Yesterday, Mr. Tilton abruptly canceled an appearance planned for last night before a Merrill Lynch transportation conference in New York to travel to Washington for a meeting with the board's staff, these people said.

stable (FIXED)
1 firmly fixed or not likely to move or change:
If the foundations of the house aren't stable, collapse is possible.
After several part-time jobs, he's now got a stable job in a bank.
The hospital said she was in a stable condition (= not likely to get worse) following the operation.

2 describes someone who is mentally healthy:
She seems more stable these days.

3 SPECIALIZED describes a substance that keeps the same chemical or atomic state

noun [U]
when something is not likely to move or change:
a period of political stability

stabilize, UK USUALLY stabilise
1 [I] If something stabilizes, it becomes fixed or stops changing:
He suffered a second heart attack two days ago but his condition has now stabilized.

2 [T] If you stabilize something, you cause it to become fixed or to stop changing:
In China, the policy of one child per family was introduced to stabilize the country's population at 1.6 billion.

stabilizer, UK USUALLY stabiliser
noun [C]
1 UK a method used to limit sudden changes in prices or to limit the level of production

2 SPECIALIZED a chemical which is added to something so that it stays in the same state

3 a device which helps an aircraft, ship or vehicle to balance

stabilisers UK
plural noun (US training wheels)
small wheels fixed to each side of the back wheel of a bicycle to prevent it falling over when a child is learning to ride it

stabilization, UK USUALLY stabilisation
noun [U]
