2009年4月29日 星期三

tutelage, memoiristic, sugarcoat

Thanks for the Michi
By Howard S. Gitlow
in Deming: The Way We Knew Him edited by Frank Voehl, pp.79-82

People are not born knowing michi. It requires years of study and tutelage under a master. Dr. Deming was my master. I thank him for teaching me the theory of statistics so that I could pursue the michi of the statistician. Dr. Deming, thanks for the michi.

Michi 為日文{道}之發音

Reviewed by TOURÉ The well-off 15-year-old black hero of Colson Whitehead’s memoiristic fourth novel lives in a world where life doesn’t assault him but rather affords him the time to figure out who he wants to be.

"I’m not trying to sugarcoat things. Things could still be better. But they’re better than they were, that’s my point."
MILTON PATRICK, an auditor in Tampa, Fla., on race relations since the election of President Obama.

sugarcoat 加糖衣 美化

  1. An account of the personal experiences of an author.
  2. An autobiography. Often used in the plural.
  3. A biography or biographical sketch.
  4. A report, especially on a scientific or scholarly topic.
  5. memoirs The report of the proceedings of a learned society.
[French mémoire, from Old French memoire, memory, from Latin memoria. See memory.]
memoirist mem'oir·ist n.


Etymology:Latin tutela protection, guardian (from tutari to protect, frequentative of tueri to look at, guard) + English -age
Date:1605 1 a: an act or process of serving as guardian or protector : guardianship b: hegemony over a foreign territory : trusteeship 22: the state of being under a guardian or tutor3 a: instruction especially of an individual b: a guiding influence
