2009年4月29日 星期三

FREE RIDE, interchange, interchangeability

Amazon.com on Wednesday is launching a grant program that offers professors, researchers and students free access to its popular Web services - the storage and processing power that it usually rents on a per-use basis. The program, dubbed AWS in Education, will offer $100 per student worth of free usage of [...]

interchange, interchangeability

interchange (EXCHANGE)
noun [C or U] FORMAL
an exchange, especially of ideas or information, between different people or groups:
An international medical conference was established for the interchange of new ideas and approaches.

verb [I or T]

(′in·tər′chānj·ə′bil·əd·ē) (engineering) The ability to replace the components, parts, or equipment of one manufacturer with those of another, without losing function or suitability.

