2009年4月5日 星期日

cathedral, cathedral chapters, chapter

cathedra, ex(L.):(1) 聖座隆重宣言:教宗以其不能錯誤的最高權威,對全教會正式頒佈有關教義或道德的決定。(2)寶座:設於主教座堂,為主教專用的座位。參閱 cathedral。

cathedral:主教座堂:教區中的首要聖堂,堂內置有主教的(寶座)座位;cathedra 拉丁文意即座位,故稱主教座堂。

choral vicar:詠禮司鐸長:指座堂聖職團(cathedral chapter)唱經班的指揮。今已廢除。現仍保有詠禱司鐸班chapter of canons 制度(參閱法典503)。canon:(1)法典;(天主教)法典:天主教法典全稱為 Code of Canon Law。(2)彌撒常典。(3)正典;法規:指教會所認可的聖經、信條。(4)議員;誦經員:主教座堂的議員、詠禮司鐸。

cathedral chapter:座堂聖職(歌詠)團:是主教座堂的參議神父,協助主教處理教務,現已廢除。

Cathedra Petri(L.):伯鐸座位;彼得講席(基):天主教會最高元首席位。


  1. One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book, that is usually numbered or titled.
  2. A distinct period or sequence of events, as in history or a person's life: Steamboat travel opened a new chapter in America's exploration of the West.
  3. A local branch of an organization, such as a club or fraternity: The Chicago chapter is admitting new members this year.
  4. Ecclesiastical.
    1. An assembly of the canons of a church or of the members of a religious residence.
    2. The canons of a church or the members of a religious residence considered as a group.
  5. A short scriptural passage read after the psalms in certain church services.

[Middle English chaptre, variant of chapitre, chapter, chapiter, from Old French, alteration of chapitle, from Latin capitulum, diminutive of caput, head.]

利用「chapters」的搜尋結果 知道本書在第28頁才解釋什麼教 cathedral chapters

第 21 頁
In the mid-sixteenth century, German cathedral chapters began requiring evidence of noble ancestry for those who sought positions in them.15 Such ...
第 28 頁
Cathedral chapters, the collections of clerics who resided in Europe's bishoprics and enjoyed a large share of church wealth, increasingly were reserved for ...
