2009年4月23日 星期四

chick, chickpea, houmous and felafel, play chicken

The government’s insistence on an aggressive write-down of the debt is part of an enormous game of chicken with the debtholders.


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play chicken SLANG
to play dangerous games in order to discover who is the bravest:
They would play chicken by driving head-on at each other until one of them lost their nerve and swerved out of the way.

UK Show phonetics
noun [C] (US garbanzo bean)
a hard pale brown round bean which can be cooked and eaten:
Chickpeas are used to make houmous and felafel.


KK: []
DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)
  1. 鷹嘴豆芝麻沙拉醬


KK: []
DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)
  1. 炸泥豆;炸泥豆三明治

鷹嘴豆(chickpea,garbanzo bean),又名桃爾豆、雞豆等,是印度巴基斯坦的重要的蔬菜之一,在歐洲食用鷹嘴豆也十分普遍。

[編輯] 外部連結


    1. A young chicken.
    2. The young of any bird.
  1. A child.
  2. Slang. A girl or young woman.

[Middle English chike, variant of chiken, chicken. See chicken.]
