2009年4月11日 星期六

新聞英文 Regulators Comb Books of Wall Street Titans

iVideo - 諸神恩仇錄(Clash Of The Titans)


Government Combs Through G.M.’s Survival Plan

Officials traveled to Detroit in a last-minute effort to assess whether more government aid could make the company viable, or whether the better choice was a managed bankruptcy.

類似下則WSJ 的標題的字眼
Regulators Comb Books of Wall Street Titans
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is checking the books at Wall Street firms, including Goldman, Bear Stearns and Merrill, to make sure they aren't hiding subprime-mortgage losses.

所以 Regulators 指The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Comb Books 對應is checking the books

Wall Street Titans 指 Goldman, Bear Stearns and Merrill等金融鉅子

查帳的目的是看他們是否將近日在"次級房貸 風暴"中是否有損失暗藏起來
(新聞:The warning came a week after subprime-related losses drive two Bear Stearns funds into bankruptcy protection.)

noun [C]
1 a device used to control things such as the speed of a clock, the temperature in a room, etc.

2 an official who makes certain that the companies who operate a system, such as the national electricity supply, work effectively and fairly

plural noun
the written records of money that a business has spent or received:
At the end of the year, the accountant goes over (= checks) the books.
Running a school is much more of a business than it used to be, - by law we have to balance our books.

comb (SEARCH)
verb [T]
to search a place or an area very carefully in order to find something:
The police combed the whole area for evidence.
Investigators combed through the wreckage.

a person who is very important, powerful, strong, big, clever, etc:
an intellectual titan
The final will be a clash of the titans.
The soft drink titans (= big companies who produce these drinks) are struggling for control of the market.
