Obama Pulls Ahead of Clinton in Superdelegates
The superdelegate count was one of the few areas where Hillary Rodham Clinton still maintained an advantage.
A parade of power in Russia
A week of careful choreography
- The official residence of the pope in Vatican City.
- The papal government; the papacy.
[Latin Vaticānus (mōns), the Vatican (Hill).]
Vatican:梵蒂岡宮;梵蒂岡國:指教宗居住地和教廷(政府)所在地,座落在羅馬西北的一個小山崗上。目前是教宗的行政中心。詳見 Vatican City, the State of。
Vatican City, the State of:梵蒂岡國;梵蒂岡城邦:遠自羅馬皇帝君士坦丁(公元313年)公佈米蘭詔書後,教宗就陸續接受教友捐獻的土地,十五世紀時教宗的土地累積到一萬六千 多平方哩,居民三百萬。自1860年始,義大利王國逐漸併吞教宗的國土,至1870年連羅馬也據為己有。教宗自囚梵蒂岡宮內以示不滿。1929年義大利政 府與教宗締結「拉特朗協定」,正式成立梵蒂岡獨立國,成為世界最小的國家,位於羅馬市西北隅,佔地108.7英畝-包括著名的伯鐸大殿和博物館,教宗為元 首,僅有約一千居民-多為辦公的神父及會士,另有數百教友公務人員。1985年義大利再將另十所(教堂)建築和教宗的岡道爾夏宮也歸還梵蒂岡教廷。
Vatican Council I:第一屆梵蒂岡大公會議:由教宗碧岳九世召開並主持(1869-1870)。共八百位主教參加,會議中確定聖座不可錯誤的教義。
Vatican Council II:第二屆梵蒂岡大公會議:由教宗若望廿三世召開(1962-1965),教宗保祿六世完成,簡稱「梵二」。主題為教會現代化的革新。參加的主教和教長共2860人,公佈了四件憲章、九件法令、三項宣言,作為教會改革之藍圖。

(kôr'ē-ŏg'rə-fē, kōr'-)
n., pl. -phies.
- The art of creating and arranging dances or ballets.
- A work created by this art.
- Something, such as a series of planned situations, likened to dance arrangements.
[French chorégraphie : Greek khoreia, choral dance; see chorea + -graphie, writing (from Latin -graphia, -graphy).]
choreographic cho're·o·graph'ic (-ə-grăf'ĭk) adj.
choreographically cho're·o·graph'i·cal·ly adv.

- The art of creating and arranging dances or ballets.
- A work created by this art.

n., pl. -ies.
- Any of various plants of the genus Lilium, having variously colored, often trumpet-shaped flowers.
- Any of various similar or related plants, such as the day lily or the water lily.
- The flower of any of these plants.
[Middle English lilie, from Old English, from Latin līlium.]
n. - 百合, 百合花idioms:
- lily of the valley 歐鈴蘭
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 女子名, ユリ, ユリの花, 純潔な人, 百合, 百合のような, 百合の紋章
adj. - ユリの, ユリの花のような
lily-white (CHARACTER) Show phonetics
having a perfect character with no bad qualities
gild the lily DISAPPROVING
to improve or decorate something which is already perfect and therefore spoil it:
Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?
pull ahead
To move ahead, as in a race. 超前, 領先 前に出る