2008年5月27日 星期二

cooler, quench

川崎成套設備工程公司(Kawasaki Plant Systems,總部:神戶市)宣布,其在中國的合資公司安徽海螺川崎節能設備制造公司(CKM,總部:安徽省蕪湖市)將擴大對環保及節能設備業務的投資。生產銷售的產品包括水泥產業用高效立磨、廢熱發電設備用AQC(Air Quenching Cooler)鍋爐、可利用垃圾的气化爐系統以及下水處理設備等環保產品……


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quench Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to satisfy your thirst by having a drink:
When it's hot, it's best to quench your thirst with water.

2 LITERARY to cause a fire to stop burning with water:
The flames were quenched by heavy rain.

3 to satisfy a need or desire:
Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.

cooler━━ n. 冷却器; 冷蔵庫; クーラー; 〔俗〕 (the ~) 刑務所.
water cooler noun [C]
a machine for cooling and providing drinking water, usually in an office or other public place
