2008年5月29日 星期四

précis, exact (CORRECT), poetic licence

"Hemingway Book Club of Kosoi'o the Sea and find the passage I want. "Remember this? The old man says `It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact"

詩人有其特權(poetic licence),高興怎麼寫就怎麼寫。
poetic licence noun [C]
when a poet or writer changes particular facts and rules to make the story they are telling more interesting or effective:
She used a fair amount of poetic licence when describing her life in rural France.

précis PhoneticC] n. (pl. ~) 大意, 概略, 摘要.
━━ vt. …の大意を書く.
a short form of a text which briefly gives only the important parts:
You have all been given a précis of the report.

verb [T]
If I may précis the president's words - "This country will never give in to terrorism."

exact (CORRECT)
in great detail, or complete, correct or true in every way; precise:
The exact distance is 1.838 metres.
The exact time of the accident was 2.43 pm.
"I still owe you £7, don't I?" "Actually, it's £7.30 to be exact."
The exact location of the factory has yet to be decided.
Unlike astronomy, astrology cannot be described as an exact science.

1 used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct:
The journey took exactly three hours.
That'll be £15 exactly, please.
It tastes exactly the same as the real thing, but has half the fat.
The town centre looks exactly as it did when it was built in 1877.
He's not exactly (= not what I would describe as) good-looking, but he has a certain attraction.
"So you gave her your Walkman?" "Not exactly (= That is not completely true), I lent it to her."
"What you seem to be saying is that more should be invested in the road system and less in the railways." "Exactly (= That is completely correct)."

2 used to emphasize what you are saying:
Do exactly what I tell you and no-one will get hurt!
Exactly how do you propose to achieve this?
What exactly do you mean?

noun [U] (FORMAL exactitude)
