A report says that minority children in foster care are being ill-served by a federal law that plays down race and culture in adoptions.
counting house
1938 The King Was in His Counting House. Cabell publishes a satirical romance set in sixteenth-century Italy.
A counting house, or compting house, literally is the building, room, office or suite in which a business firm carries on operations, particularly accounting. By an obvious synecdoche, it has come to mean the accounting operations of a firm, however housed. The term is British in origin and is primarily used in the context of the 19th century or earlier periods.
Air One is ready to renew its efforts to buy rival Alitalia, Bloomberg News said citing an unsourced report in newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
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noun [C]
1 the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something:
a source of heat/energy/light
a heat/energy/light source
Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.
Experts are trying to track down the source of the contamination in the water supply.
We walked up the river to its source in the hills.
Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.
2 someone or something that supplies information:
The journalist refused to reveal her sources (= say who had given the information to her).
According to Government sources (= people in the Government) many MPs are worried about this issue.
Always acknowledge your sources (= say which books you have used) at the end of an essay.
verb [T often passive]
to get something from a particular place:
Where possible the produce used in our restaurant is sourced locally.

━━ vt. 数える, 計算する ((up)); …まで数を順に言う; 数[勘定に]入れる ((among)); 考慮に入れる; …と思う.
━━ vi. 数を数える; 勘定に入る; 影響力を持つ, 重きをなす; 当てにする ((on, upon)); 【楽】拍子を取る.
count down (ロケット発射などの際に)秒読みする.
count for little [much] 取るにたりない[重要である].
count in 考慮に入れる.
count off 【米軍】番号を唱える; 〔米〕 番号を付ける; (数えて)等分する.
count out 数えながら取出す; 〔話〕 除外する; 【ボクシング】ノックアウトを宣する; 【英下院】定数不足により流会する; (票の不正操作をして)(候補者を)落選させる.
count the days [hours] 指折り数えて待つ, そわそわする.
count up to 合計…になる.
Every minute counts. 寸刻もむだにできない.
make every minute count 時間を有効に使う.
━━ n. 計算; 【政】(選挙後の)票計算; 総計; (問題)点; 【法】訴因; 【ボクシング】(the ~) カウント; 【野】ボールカウント; 【繊維】番手; 〔古〕 考慮.
be out for the count 【ボクシング】ノックアウトされる; (疲れ果てて)熟睡している.
keep count of …の数を覚えている.
lose count of (途中で)…を数えそこなう.
out of count 無数の.
take no count of …を無視する.
take the count 【ボクシング】ノックアウトされる.
━━ a., n. 数えられる(もの); 【文法】可算名詞.
count・down 秒読み.
━━ n. 計算者[機器]; 勘定台, カウンター; 代用貨幣; (ゲームの得点計算用)チップ.
over the counter 【株】(取引所を通さず)店頭で; 処方箋なしに.
under the counter (取引を)こっそり, 不法に.
counting・house 会計事務所.
━━ a. 無数の.
count noun =countable.
count-out 【英下院】定数不足による流会; 【ボクシング】カウントアウト.
━━ vi. 数を数える; 勘定に入る; 影響力を持つ, 重きをなす; 当てにする ((on, upon)); 【楽】拍子を取る.

━━ n. 計算; 【政】(選挙後の)票計算; 総計; (問題)点; 【法】訴因; 【ボクシング】(the ~) カウント; 【野】ボールカウント; 【繊維】番手; 〔古〕 考慮.

foster (TAKE CARE OF) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent:
Would you consider fostering (a child)?
Compare adopt (TAKE CHILD).
foster Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
a foster care/home/child/mother
She was taken into care by the local council and placed with a foster family.
As a child, he had lived with a succession of foster parents.