2007年12月23日 星期日

deluge, instalment, primary,The Sunshine Boys

By the time he got to his much later “Blue Nude,” the paper cutout of 1952, he had nearly made the two mediums one. And, after him, the deluge. The constantly mutating fusion of painting and sculpture has been one of the main themes of contemporary art ever since.

“Matisse: Painter as Sculptor” runs through Feb. 3 at the Baltimore Museum of Art, 10 Art Museum Drive, Baltimore, (443) 573-1700 or artbma.org.

17.04. - Biodiversity Series (2): Bees

It‘s hard to overstate how important biological diversity is to human
society. But human activities across the planet are accelerating the rate
at which species of plants and animals are lost. In the second installment
of our series, we explore the importance of bees for biodiversity.

The DW-WORLD Article

DVD Release
Release Date: 2004
The Sunshine Boys

將電影The Sunshine Boys (阳光少年(阳光小子) 乐天小子) 與the Sunshine State(Florida)共和黨總統初(預)選 (Primary),爭天下聯想, 使得中文必須加注說明。

Today's Papers: The Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys
By Daniel Politi
Posted Monday, Jan. 21, 2008, at 6:37 AM ET
The New York Times and Washington Post lead with a look at Florida, the next state on the Republican primary calendar, which could provide the most decisive victory in a still-crowded field before Super Primary Day on Feb. 5. Everyone agrees the Sunshine State is the most important date yet for the Republicans and that it's going to be a fierce battle. Both papers highlight the diversity of the state ("a series of mini-nations," is how the WP puts it) and the way each candidate is trying to win his piece of the pie.

primary (ELECTION)
noun [C]
in the United States, an election in which people who belong to a political party choose who will represent that party in an election for political office

noun [C]
1 a very large amount of rain or water:
This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily.

2 a deluge of sth a lot of something:
The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.

verb [T usually passive]
to cover something with a lot of water:
The city was deluged when the river burst its banks.
FIGURATIVE We've been deluged with (= have received a lot of) replies to our advertisement.


 ━━ n. 大洪水; 豪雨; 【聖】(the D-) ノア(Noah)の洪水; 殺到.

After me [us] the deluge. (我死后哪怕洪水滔天)〔ことわざ〕 あとは野となれ山となれ.據說是法國皇帝說的 管它身後天地變色
après moi le déluge or après nous le déluge [F] foreign term : after me the deluge--attributed to Louis XV.

━━ vt. はん濫させる; 殺到する (be ~d with questions 質問ぜめにあう).

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら

instalment UKUS installment
noun [C]
one of a number of parts into which a story, plan or amount of money owed has been divided, so that each part happens or is paid at different times until the end or total is reached:
The novel has been serialized for radio in five instalments.
We agreed to pay for the car by/in instalments.
