2019年1月16日 星期三

tailor, dossier, hamburger, get about, "ultra prime" homes

When London opened its underground system in 1863, the inhabitants of Boston and New York were still reliant on horse-drawn public transport to get about. By the mid-1890s, New York’s Lower East Side was one of the most crowded places on the planet

Washington Post 正在現場直播。
The former British spy who authored a controversial dossier alleging ties between Trump and Russia reached an agreement with the FBI for the bureau to pay him to continue his work, according to several people familiar with the arrangement. http://wapo.st/2lvtHso
Reporters Tom Hamburger and Rosalind Helderman explain.

美國能~台灣當然也能,國安局「特定入侵行動辦公室」(Tailored Access Operations)曾通報成功侵入墨國總統府網站的中央伺服器,侵入時任總統卡德隆與閣員共用的網路,擷取大量外交與經濟情報。 Our Olympic Dossier

'Ultra Prime' Home Prices on the Rise Markets may be struggling but the prices of "ultra prime" homes - properties worth over $15.7 million - are on the rise, especially in Asia and developing markets, where more and more of the globe's super rich can be found.

"ultra prime" homes 豪宅

Blair Made Early Iraq Pledge
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair's communications chief denied that a special dossier was tailored to exaggerate Saddam Hussein's military strength.

Get about definition: If you get about , you go to different places and visit different people. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

hamburger noun (MEAT) ​ [ C ] informal burger, UK also beefburger a round, flat piece of minced beef, fried and usually eaten between two halves of a bread roll.

14 hours ago - Trump tweeted Tuesday he ordered 'over 1000 hamberders', a typo that was ... the president an 'idiot' and gave 'hamberder' his own definition.

('lər) pronunciation
One that makes, repairs, and alters garments such as suits, coats, and dresses.

v., -lored, -lor·ing, -lors. v.tr.
  1. To make (a garment), especially to specific requirements or measurements.
  2. To fit or provide (a person) with clothes made to that person's measurements.
  3. To make, alter, or adapt for a particular end or purpose: a speech that was tailored to an audience of business leaders.
To pursue the trade of a tailor.

[Middle English, from Anglo-Norman taillour, from Old French tailleor, from taillier, to cut, from Late Latin tāliāre, from Latin tālea, a cutting.]
我翻"維果茨基教育論著選(余震球選譯人民教育出版社) 說維俄文的裁縫的語根是"布"
請教法文"裁縫"和其語根 答案在英/日辭典 "裁切"

dossiernoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈdɒs.i.eɪ/ /ˈdɒs.i.ər/ US  /ˈdɑː.si.eɪ/

a set of papers containing information about a person, often acriminal, or on any subject:

The secret service probably has a dossier on all of us.


A collection of papers giving detailed information about a particular person or subject.

[French, from Old French, bundle of papers labeled on the back, from dos, back, from Latin dorsum.]

[F.] n. (一件)書類, 関係書類.
a dossier on an individual

這在網路 叫"懶人包"
