2019年1月4日 星期五

breaking point, zero-based, person-based, zero in

Nancy Pelosi returns as U.S. House speaker, making history as Democrats zero in on Trump

The 116th Congress gaveled into session Thursday swathed in history, returning Nancy Pelosi to the House speaker's office and ushering in a diverse class of Democratic freshmen ready to confront President Donald Trump in a new era of divided government. Pelosi was elected speaker 220-192, ...

"In regimes that are so person-based, the moment that the person on which everything hangs is removed, the entire foundation becomes very weak because there was nothing else supporting this other than this figure."

JAVIER CORRALES, a professor of political science at Amherst College, on the death of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez.

Q. As you note, there have been no shortage of critiques of higher education in recent years, but most have focused on the rising price of college tuition and the declining productivity of the U.S. "system" of higher ed. Yours zeroes in on whether students are learning enough. Why is that the most important issue in your eyes?

In reality, of course, there is zero chance that the U.S. will honor its treaty obligation over a few barren rocks. We’re not going to risk a nuclear confrontation with China over some islands that may well be China’s. But if we don’t help, our security relationship with Japan will be stretched to the breaking point.
zero-based cost management 這玩意至少有近60年的歷史了

Resetting the Cost Structure at Shell
by Gerard Paulides

A senior finance executive explains how a zero-based cost management effort is leading to significant performance improvements.

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zero in
phrasal verb of zero
  1. take aim with a gun or missile.
    "jet fighters zeroed in on the rebels' positions"
    • focus one's attention.
      "they zeroed in on the clues he dropped about himself"

(zîr'ō-bās', zē'rō-) or ze·ro-based (-bāst')
Having each expenditure or item justified as to need or cost: "Zero-base budgeting requires its practitioners to justify every dollar they spend" (Wall Street Journal).

breaking point

(人が)耐えられる限度, 限界点, (事態が)持ちこたえられる限度, 決裂点;《工学》破壊点
  1. The point at which physical, mental, or emotional strength gives way under stress.
  2. The point at which a condition or situation becomes critical.
