2019年1月1日 星期二

debutante, decorum, decorous, hollow, cat's paw, reprimand, knickerbockers, fly half, scrum

Society débutantes make their entrance at Queen Charlotte's ball in London, 1930 ...

'There is no objection to the shepherds presenting gifts, provided due decorum is observed.'
European Studies explores how to have yourself a scripturally correct and historically accurate #Christmas this #BLAdventhttp://bit.ly/2inpBlW
(Disclaimer: please don’t let it spoil your festivities.)

Béatrice de Géa for The New York Times


Debutante Flyhalf Lifts All Blacks
Tom Taylor finished with a 14-point haul in his first start with New Zealand, carrying the All Blacks to a Bledisloe Cup victory over Australia.

Dancing School Gives a Taste of the Elite

Thurston Hopkins, who has died aged 101, was one of Britain’s greatest photojournalists, capturing the humanity and social inequality of British life in the 1950s. The Picture Post pioneer was also a canny chronicler of high society at its most intimate – from debutantes after the ball to Hitchcock in the shadowsThough debutante balls have dwindled, their training grounds, like the Barclay Classes and the Knickerbocker Cotillion, still teach children foxtrot, dress and decorum.

Quiet for Years, Italian Church Blasts Behavior of the Nation's Political Elite

The Catholic Church is issuing its strongest reprimands yet of Italy's ruling class, deploring "behavior that not only goes counter to public decorum but is intrinsically sad and hollow."

Chinese novel!” said I; “that must look strange enough.”
“Not so much as you might think,” said Goethe; “the Chinamen think, act, and feel almost exactly like us; and we soon find that we are perfectly like them, excepting that all they do is more clear, more pure, and decorous than with us.
Goethe 1827.1.31

Vatican Reprimands U.S. Nuns For "Radical Feminist Themes"
The church says it discovered "serious doctrinal problems" during an investigation into an influential group of American nuns.

They've got knickerbockers….

1 ((米))ひざでくくるゆるいズボン.
2 ((英略式))ブルーマー式の下着.
get one's knickers in a twist
((英話))((しばしばおどけて))怒る, 当惑する.
━━[間]((英俗))(困って)弱ったなあ, おやまあ.


Knick • er • bock • er
níkərbɑ`kər | -bɔ`k-
Knickerbockers (複数形)
1 New Yorkに移民したオランダ人の子孫.
2 (一般に)ニューヨーク市民.
3 ((〜s))=knickers 1.
[Washington IrvingがHistory of New Yorkを書いた時の筆名Diedrich Knickerbocker]

de·co·rum (dĭ-kôr'əm, -kōr'-) pronunciation
  1. Appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety: "In the Ireland of the 1940's ... the stolidity of a long, empty, grave face was thought to be the height of decorum and profundity" (John McGahern).
  2. decorums The conventions or requirements of polite behavior: the formalities and decorums of a military funeral.
  3. The appropriateness of an element of an artistic or literary work, such as style or tone, to its particular circumstance or to the composition as a whole.
[Latin decōrum, from decōrus, becoming, handsome. See decorous.]

1 (行為・言葉・服装などの)端正さ, 礼儀正しさ;((〜s))礼儀作法
with decorum
forget decorum
2 適切なもの;適切さ.


dec • o • rous
decorously, (全1件)

cat's paw (cats paw)

1. Someone used as a tool by another.
2. A kind of knot used to connect a rope to an object.
3. A breeze that ruffles the surface of the water over a small area; also, the area ruffled by such a breeze.

The first sense of the term comes from the fable in which a monkey uses a cat to pull roasting chestnuts from a fire. The monkey gobbles up all the nuts while the cat is left with a burnt paw. See Edwin Landseer's 1824 painting Cat's Paw: museumsyndicate.com/item.php?item=2992.
The second sense refers to the supposed resemblance of such a knot to a cat's paw: images.google.com/images?q=cat's+paw+knot.
The origin of the third sense is unknown

"Prime Minister Tony Blair was reprimanded in the British parliament for his willingness to be the cat's paw of the U.S." — Craig R. Eisendrath and Melvin A. Goodman; Shoot First, Talk Later; USA Today (Washington, DC); Jul 1, 2004.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[réprəmæ`nd | -mɑ`ːnd]
[名][C][U]叱責(しっせき), 非難;けん責, 懲戒, 戒告
receive a reprimand
━━[動](他)…を(…のかどで)叱責する, 非難する, (特に公式に)けん責[懲戒, 戒告]する((for ...)). ⇒REPROACH[類語]
[フランス語←ラテン語reprimenda (re-後ろへ+primere押す+-enda動名詞語尾=押さえること). △REPRESS



  • a man making his first public appearance, especially in sport: [as modifier]:rarely in the history of the festival has a debutant director won the Palme d’Or


early 19th century: from French débutant 'leading off', from the verb débuter

 fly half =stand-off half


a half back who forms a link between the scrum half and the three-quarters.

fly half



Pronunciation: /skrʌm/
Translate scrum | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • an ordered formation of players, used to restart play, in which the forwards of a team form up with arms interlocked and heads down, and push forward against a similar group from the opposing side. The ball is thrown into the scrum and the players try to gain possession of it by kicking it backwards towards their own side.
  • British informal a disorderly crowd of people or things:there was quite a scrum of people at the bar

verb (scrums, scrumming, scrummed)

[no object] Rugby
  • form or take part in a scrum: the two men scrummed down together for University College, Dublin
  • informal jostle; crowd:everyone was scrumming around behind him


late 19th century: abbreviation of scrummage


Line breaks: debu|tante
Pronunciation: /ˈdɛbjʊtɑːnt
, ˈdeɪ-/


1An upper-class young woman making her firstappearance in fashionable society.
1.1woman making her first public appearance, especially in sport:the women’s team includes eighteen year-old debutante Katharine Merry


early 19th century: from French débutante (feminine) 'leading off', from the verb débuter.
1 debutantの女性形.
2 上流社交界の娘.
