2019年1月6日 星期日

order, counterorder, disorder, box in

Image result for order, counter order, disorder cartoon

Russian tsar crown Stock Photo: 81280182 - Alamy
... Cartoon, The three Orders of St Petersburgh. Tsar Paul I of Russia hurries along

Image result for order, counter order, disorder

Definition of counterorder. plural counterorders or counter-orders. : a contradicting or countermanding order. During the frequent riots of the Lindsay era, police often under- or overreacted—while various officials, including the mayor's civilian aides, issued orders and counterorders, exacerbating the disorder.

2012年1月15日 星期日

disorder, disarray, protracted and chaotic

Fear of Civil War Mounts in Syria as Crisis Deepens

The failure of an Arab League mission and a government as defiant as its opposition is in disarray have thrust Syria into what increasingly looks like a protracted and chaotic conflict.


Definition of box in. : to surround (someone or something) and make movement difficult The other bicyclists boxed her in and she couldn't move ahead.

grim︰形容詞,殘酷的、嚴厲的、(口)糟糕的、討厭的。例句︰The music was grim.(這音樂糟透了。)
. That’s why senior tutors and myself will be teaching, so we can ensure there’s a parity of experience across the platforms.”

"This is a major problem," Suraya Dalil, Afghanistan’s acting public health minister, said. "More than 60 percent of Afghans are suffering from stress disorders and mental problems."「這是重大的問題,」阿富汗公共衛生代理部長蘇拉雅.達莉說。「逾6成的阿富汗人承受壓力障礙與精神問題之苦。」The picture is particularly grim in parts of the country where government healthcare workers are unable to provide basic services because of Taliban insurgency, she said. "Extreme poverty, insecurity, violence and gender disparities are the major factors contributing to worsening mental health in Afghanistan."她表示,這樣的局面在部分因神學士叛亂,使政府醫療照護人員無法提供基本服務的地區尤為嚴峻。「極度貧困、不安定、暴力與性別不平等是阿富汗精神健康問題惡化的主因。」

  1. A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion.
  2. A breach of civic order or peace; a public disturbance.
  3. An ailment that affects the function of mind or body: eating disorders and substance abuse.
  1. To throw into confusion or disarray.
  2. To disturb the normal physical or mental health of; derange.
  • [disɔ'ːrdər]
1 [U]無秩序, 混乱, 混雑, 乱脈
fall into disorder
throw ... into disorder
The kitchen was in disorder.
The box contained a vast number of letters in great disorder.
2 不規則, 無規律, 不法(行為);[U][C]((しばしば〜s))秩序撹乱(かくらん)(行為), 治安紊乱(びんらん)行為;(社会的・政治的)無秩序, 混乱, 騒動, 騒擾(そうじょう)
There have been no student disorders on this campus.
3 [U][C](心身機能の)不調, 異常, 障害, 病気, 疾患
a liver disorder
nervous disorders
suffer from a mental disorder
1 …の秩序を乱す, を乱雑にする, 混乱させる, 撹乱する.
2 〈心身の〉異常を起こさせる, 調子を狂わせる.

2009年4月13日 星期一

eating disorder, anorexia nervosa or bulimia

Study: Is Vegetarianism a Teen Eating Disorder?

A new study suggests that teens may experiment with a vegetarian diet to mask an eating disorder

eating disorder
Any of various psychological disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, that involve insufficient or excessive food intake.
