2015年6月25日 星期四

problematic, problematization, markup, enslavement, read between the lines

Such cautionary tales, and fears of a bubble, are not denting exuberance. Silicon Valley remains in thrall to the success stories, none more so thanAirbnb, which started as two guys with an air-bed and is now a global rival to hotel chains valued at $10bn.

Rhett's enthrallment with Scarlett O'Hara begins when he overhears her declaration of love for Ashley in the library while the rest of the "proper" girls take a nap.

It is Independence Day in India. This year it may be remembered for India's enslavement to global capital markets. Yesterday evening the central bank imposed new capital controls to try to stem a balance-of-payments crisis http://econ.st/13mx9L8

 "From then on, I was a well-known TV reporter," he said, adding that he has "no difficulty in saying she was my favourite PM".
He added: "The truth is that from the moment she became leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 through to her 11 years in power, I was in thrall to Mrs Thatcher".

In his 1994 book on Skadden, Mr. Caplan described Skadden lawyers in thrall to Mr. Flom as they would try to decode his doodles and cryptic remarks, like “They’ve taken their best shot, and it was a balloon with no air in it,” and “Their phone is off the hook, and no conversation is going to put it back on.”

In China, Traffic Benefits the Enterprising

As travelers spent the night stuck in traffic in Guizhou Province, residents were happy to sell them instant noodles and other staples — at a 500 percent markup.

Not wanting my work to go to waste and ever-hopeful that people are looking for a better method for the improvement of multi-agency services, I have published my proposal for Total Place at: http://www.systemsthinking.co.uk/9-total.asp The proposal contains my criticisms of the Total Place method; you just have to read between the lines! 

Qaddafi’s End Places Focus on Arab Spring’s ‘Hard Road’
Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s capture captivated the Arab world, but images of his bloody corpse were a reminder of the Arab Spring’s many still-unresolved conflicts.

the Caliban Problematic.


Syllabification: (en·slave·ment)
Pronunciation: /enˈslāvmənt/


the action of making someone a slave; subjugation:the enslavement of millions of Africans

also prob·lem·at·i·cal (-ĭ-kəl)
  1. Posing a problem; difficult to solve: a repair that proved more problematic than first expected.
  2. Open to doubt; debatable: "if you ever get married, which seems to me extremely problematic" (Oscar Wilde).
  3. Not settled; unresolved or dubious: a problematic future.
problematically prob'lem·at'i·cal·ly adv.

n. constitue/part of problem or difficult

[形]問題のある[多い], 問題をはらむ, 解決のむずかしい;疑わしい;不確実な;未決の
His success is very problematic.


read between the lines
Perceive or detect a hidden meaning, as in They say that everything's fine, but reading between the lines I suspect they have some marital problems. This term comes from cryptography, where in one code reading every second line of a message.

1 《商業》利掛け, 値入額;値上げ(分);評価増し.
2 (印刷物の)組み指定.
3 ((米))法案の最終審議.

(thrôl) pronunciation
    1. One, such as a slave or serf, who is held in bondage.
    2. One who is intellectually or morally enslaved.
  1. Servitude; bondage: "a people in thrall to the miracles of commerce" (Lewis H. Lapham).
tr.v. Archaic, thralled, thrall·ing, thralls.
To enslave.

[Middle English, from Old English thrǣl, from Old Norse thrǣll.]
thralldom thrall'dom or thral'dom n.


Syllabification: (en·thrall)
Pronunciation: /enˈTHrôl/
(also British enthral)
Translate enthrall | into German | into Spanish
verb (enthralls, enthralling, enthralled)
[with object]
  • capture the fascinated attention of:she had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold
  • (also inthrall) archaic enslave.
(British also enthralment) noun


late Middle English (in the sense 'enslave'; formerly also as inthrall): from en-1, in-2 (as an intensifier) + thrall
