2019年2月1日 星期五

vortex, voluptuary, sybaritic, chakra, shivers, polar vortex

James Gillray, A Voluptuary under the horrors of Digestion, a print. Published in London, England, 1792.
Gillray portrays George, Prince of Wales, later Prince Regent and George IV (reigned 1820-1830), picking his teeth with a table fork, having demolished a heavy meal and a considerable quantity of wine. The Prince was notoriously dissolute and spendthrift. His room is littered with empty bottles, pills and unpaid bills. His passion for gambling is indicated by dice, lists of forthcoming horse races at Newmarket and accounts of his losses at cards. It was a barely exaggerated portrait of the man known as the 'Prince of Whales'.http://ow.ly/QR399
‘Polar Vortex’ Sends Shivers Across the U.S.
An arctic air mass could make it feel like 50 degrees below zero in parts of the northern Plains and Midwest.
 一個罕見的極地旋風(Polar Vortex)超級冷氣團,已於1月6日清晨襲擊美國中西部地區,造成幾個大城如伊利諾州的芝加哥和明尼蘇達州的雙城市在凌晨時氣溫分別為攝氏-25度和 -34度的極低溫。體感溫度更是降到-50度以下。這兩個城市也因此宣布其中小學今天停課一天,以避免學童受到寒害。

Price-cutting in Japan points to repeat of deflation misery
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
Japan, which showed the world how awful a sustained bout of deflation can be, may be heading back into that vortex. The country's main index of consumer ...

Mind, Body and Organic Martinis in Miami Beach
By Maureen Dowd
The famously spartan Canyon Ranch has come to Florida’s sybaritic playground. Will its chakras ever be the same?

Polar Vortex | “極地渦旋”冰封美國
道路欄杆被冰凍、湖上佈滿碎冰、航班停運、學校停課、街頭幾無行人、應急取暖中心開啟......這不是電影《後天》,而是真實的美國。本週, 極地渦旋籠罩美國 ,三分之二的國土遭到冰封,極度低溫已造成至少20人死亡。一些城市的體感溫度低於零下50度,與南極無異。
“在美麗的中西部,體感溫度達到零下60度,創下有史以來最冷的記錄……全球變暖到底怎麼了?請快點回來,我們需要你!”特朗普迅速在Twitter上體察民情。但是,很遺憾, 他需要補習一些氣象基本常識 。還有一個事實是: 這次極寒氣候的“元兇”是一種名為“極地渦旋”(polar vortex)的氣旋 ,而它帶來的極寒天氣正是由全球變暖造成的。
“極地渦旋“(polar vortex)是一種發生於極地上空的大規模氣旋,冬季增強,夏季減弱。當氣旋解體時,其內部的寒冷空氣將會南下形成寒流。根據牛津詞典,polar出現於16世紀中期,意思是“軸的末端”。而vortex最早出現於17世紀,直接源於拉丁語,意思是“轉向”,它常被用在各種科學理論中,指繞著某個中心軸旋轉。

  1. 1.
    a person devoted to luxury and sensual pleasure.
  1. 1.
    concerned with or characterized by luxury and sensual pleasure.
    "a voluptuary decade when high living was in style"

  1. Devoted to or marked by pleasure and luxury.
  2. Sybaritic Of or relating to Sybaris or its people.
Sybaritically Syb'a·rit'i·cal·ly adv.

Meaning #1: furnishing gratification of the senses
Synonyms: epicurean, luxurious, voluptuary, voluptuous

Chakra (derived from the Sanskrit cakra, "
chukr", Pali: chakka, Tibetan: khorlo, Malay: cakera) is a Sanskrit word that
translates as wheel or disc. Chakra is a concept referring to wheel-like
vortices ...

One of the seven centers of spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy.
[Sanskrit cakram, wheel, circle.]

n., pl. -tex·es or -ti·ces (-tĭ-sēz').
  1. A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center.
  2. A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it: “As happened with so many theater actors, he was swept up in the vortex of Hollywood” (New York Times).
[Latin vortex, vortic-, variant of vertex, from vertere, to turn.]
