2013年4月30日 星期二

screech to a halt, (on a ) dare, revolting, cross-check, cinnamon

The Perils of the 'Cinnamon Challenge'
Swallowing a tablespoon of the dry spice on a dare could lead to serious health problems, according to the latest report on the practice.

Cliff After Cliff
Not only is the era of grand bargains over, but the era of basic governance is screeching to a halt.

In the interview, the Dalai Lama said he was told the Tibetan women would be wearing poisonous scarves and have poisonous hair. "They were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand touch," he said. But he added that there was "no possibility to cross-check, so I don’t know". (AFP)

Those Revolting Europeans
How dare the French and Greeks reject a failed strategy!
The momentum that allowed Toyota to become the world’s biggest and richest carmaker is screeching to a halt. It’s set to report billion-dollar losses for 2008, a stunning reversal from the record annual profits it earned earlier this decade.

NEW DELHI — The world's largest corporate deal in an emerging market, a tie-up worth nearly $50 billion between two telecommunication companies, Bharti Airtel in India and MTN Group in South Africa, came to a screeching halt Saturday.

A screech of brakes jarred the silence.


  • 動詞或名詞,多方核實。例句︰We must cross-check the data.(我們必須查核這個數據。)
1 〈情報・答えなどを〉方法を変えて検証[検算]する.
2 《アイスホッケー》〈相手と〉クロスチェックする.
━━[名] 〔
1 資料に照らして調査すること.
2 《アイスホッケー》クロスチェック. ⇒CHECK[名]8 (1)

 i. A call made by one crewmember or a controller to another crewmember to recheck or confirm a certain state or condition.
ii. The act of checking independent flight instruments for agreement or discrepancy, to confirm indications, or to detect the failure of one or more instruments.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[rivóultiŋ]
[形]嫌悪を催させる, (人を)ぞっとさせる((to ...)).


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[rivóult]
1 (…に対して)そむく, 反抗する, 謀反[反乱]を起こす, 反旗をひるがえす((against, from ...));(…に)寝返る((to ...))
revolt from one's allegiance
2 (…に)反感をもつ;嫌悪[憎悪]を感じる, ぞっとする((from, against, at, about ...))
revolt against parental authority
━━(他)…に嫌悪[憎悪]をいだかせる, をむかむかさせる
be revolted at his dreadful manners
1 [U][C](…への)反抗(心), 反逆, 反乱, 暴動((against ...))
rise in revolt
lead a revolt against ...
2 [U](…への)反感, 嫌悪, 憎悪((against ...)).
[中フランス語←俗ラテン語revolvitāre (re-再び+volvitāre回る). △REVOLVE
screech Show phonetics
verb [I]
to make a unpleasant loud high noise:
She was screeching at him at the top of her voice.
He was screeching with pain/laughter.
[+ speech] "Don't you dare touch me!" she screeched.
The car screeched to a halt/standstill (= stopped very suddenly, making a loud high noise).
FIGURATIVE The economic recovery is likely to screech to a halt/standstill (= stop very suddenly) if taxes are increased.

screech Show phonetics
noun [C]
a long loud high noise which is unpleasant to hear:
He let out a loud screech.
The truck stopped with a screech of brakes.

screech Pronunciation (noun) A shrill, harsh, or high-pitched sound or cry.
Synonyms:scream, shriek
Usage:Just then the locomotive gave a sharp screech, and the train passed out into the darkness of the night.
Definition of dare

verb (3rd singular present usually dare before an expressed or implied infinitive)

  • 1 (as modal usually with infinitive with or without to often with negative) have the courage to do something:a story he dare not write down she leaned forward as far as she dared
  • (how dare you) used to express indignation at something:how dare you talk to me like that!
  • (don't you dare) used to order someone threateningly not to do something:don’t you dare touch me
  • 2 [with object and infinitive] defy or challenge (someone) to do something:she was daring him to disagree [with object]:swap with me, I dare you
  • 3 [with object] literary take the risk of; brave:few dared his wrath


  • a challenge, especially to prove courage:she ran across a main road for a dare


I dare say (or daresay)

used to indicate that one believes something is probable:I dare say you’ve heard about her





Old English durran, of Germanic origin; related to Gothic gadaursan, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek tharsein and Sanskrit dhṛṣ- 'be bold'


A verb that can be used as a normal verb and also as a modal auxiliary verb. For this reason it is sometimes described as a ‘semi-modal’ verb. As a normal verb it is followed by the infinitive form of the verb:He dared to criticize the leader outright. As a modal auxiliary verb it is followed by the verb stem:But I dare say you like apples. She dared not complain. It can also stand alone in expressions such as:Don’t you dare!


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[déər]
[動](dared or((古))durst 〔drst〕, dared)(他)
1 あえて[思い切って, ずうずうしくも]…する;…する勇気がある.
(1) ((助動詞的用法))((ふつう否定文・疑問文で用い, 助動詞do, didを使わず, toなし不定詞を伴う. 三人称単数現在でも-sをとらない))
He daren't tell us.
Dare he fight?
How dare you speak to me like that?
おれに向かってなんて口のきき方だ(▼How dare you?は怒りを示す決まり文句)
They dared not arrive late again.
The king was so hot-tempered that no one dare tell him the bad news.
王様はひどく短気な人だったので, だれもその悪い知らせを王に告げようとしなかった(▼過去形はdaredだが, 間接話法の中ではdareを用いることも多い).
(2) ((動詞的用法))[III(to) do]((通例肯定文))
He dared to jump across the brook.
He will never dare to enter my house again.
“Mummy, can I make a drawing on the wall?” “You [Don't you] dare!”
「ママ, 壁に絵をかいてもいいかな」「とんでもありません」.
[語法]疑問文・否定文でも一般動詞として扱う傾向があり, 三人称単数現在でも-sがつく中間的な形もみられる:Does he dare to do it?彼はやる気があるだろうか/He dares not [ =He doesn't dare (to)] ask for help. 彼には助けを求める勇気がない.
2 ((主に文))〈危険などに〉立ち向かう, 物ともしない, ぶつかっていく
dare any danger
dare a person's anger
dare a leap
3V[名]to do]〈人に〉(…するように)けしかける, 挑戦する, やれるものならやってみろと言う
I dare you to jump from this wall.
He dared me to swim across the river.
You wouldn't dare!
dare I say it
I dare say/I daresay
(1) たぶん, おそらく;そうでしょうよ(▼しばしば反語的)
It is a lie, I dare say.
(2) 〈…と〉あえて言う((that節))(▼ 〔drséi〕 と発音)
I dare say that you must go.
出て行ってほしい, あえて言うのだが.
━━[名][U][C]あえてすること;いどむこと, 挑戦(challenge)
for a dare
give [take, accept, decline] a dare
挑戦する[応じる, 受けて立つ, 拒む]
He did it on a dare from her.
[古英語dearr. durran(あえてする)の現在一, 三人称の形]


Pronunciation: /ˈsɪnəmən/
Translate cinnamon | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
Definition of cinnamon


  • 1 [mass noun] an aromatic spice made from the peeled, dried, and rolled bark of a SE Asian tree: a teaspoon of ground cinnamon [as modifier]:a cinnamon cake
  • a yellowish-brown colour resembling that of cinnamon: [as modifier]:he wore a short-sleeved shirt and pale cinnamon slacks
  • 2the tree which yields cinnamon.
    • Genus Cinnamomum, family Lauraceae: several species


late Middle English: from Old French cinnamome (from Greek kinnamōmon), and Latin cinnamon (from Greek kinnamon), both from a Semitic language and perhaps based on Malay
