2024年9月29日 星期日

 The incredible eyes of the Charioteer of Delphi (478-474 BC), also known as Heniokhos that magnetize; found in north of the temple of Apollo, Delphi, Greece.

Heniokhos eyes look alive. Perhaps, no other statue gives this unique feeling. White enamel was used for the eyeballs, so that there is a performance that perfectly approaches a natural human eye.

Brown semi-precious stone was used for their iris, while the pupils of the eyes are black. His eyelashes were rendered with small copper wires, while thin sheets of reddish copper enliven his fleshy lips. His hair are glued to the head, in small tresses and are held by an inserted silver ribbon, which wraps around the head.

It is said that the satisfaction of the winner was captured on his face , including the intensity, but also the self-focus required by the fight with the tethrippon (four-horse chariot).

Is one of the most important sculptures of ancient Greek art of the early classical era. Its creation is placed immediately after the Persian wars, while Pythagoras by Regio has been proposed as its creator.

©️Archaeological Museum of Delphi.

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