2023年5月26日 星期五

relationship, entice, underpants, firebrand, instigate, instigator. legal firebrand

"So much of history concentrates on the memoirs of some politician or other but then in the middle of all that grey there’s a flash of colour and that’s Jessie."
BBC gang drama series draws on the extraordinary life of a passionate…

When Narendra Modi became prime minister of India in 2014, opinion was divided as to whether he was a Hindu zealot disguised as an economic reformer, or the other way round
But he is more of a nationalist firebrand

Stephen Williamson is an economist at Washington University in St Louis, specialising in monetary economics. He is also an instigator. And what he has most recently instigated is an epic debate over whether quantitative easing, the practice of printing money to buy assets, and nightmare fuel for the hard-money set, is deflationary http://econ.st/18nMd8x

This isolation inspired the one book by which Amiel is still known, the Journal Intime ("Private Journal"), which, published after his death, obtained a European reputation. It was translated into English by Mary A. Ward at the instigation of Mark Pattison.

In the second episode, a young man is instigated by some nuns in a convent to have sex with them. In fact, the young man already had the idea of having hot adventures with the nuns,

Tokyo Tower tourist landmark for more than 50 years
Tokyo Tower opens for business after a completion ceremony for the facility used as a TV transmission antenna covering the Kanto region. In subsequent years, the 333-meter-tall structure became a major tourist attraction and landmark of the Japanese capital.
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brings U.S. into WWII
A sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in Honolulu by the Imperial Japanese Navy, early on Dec. 8, Japan time, caused heavy damage to the U.S. military and also led to a declaration of war on Japan by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, who said it was a day that would "live in infamy."
Famed writer Mishima fails to instigate coup by SDF
Famed writer Yukio Mishima speaks to members of the Self-Defense Forces from a building at the Ichigaya camp. He tried to instigate a coup by the SDF, but most members just laughed at his speech. After that failure, Mishima disemboweled himself in a suicide ritual known as seppuku.

《中英對照讀新聞》If he lets you buy his underpants, you’re "The One" 如果他讓你幫他買內褲,你就是他要的那一個

Men only buy their own underpants when they are hoping to entice a potential partner into a relationship, according to a new survey.

Paul McIlhenny, Tabasco Empire Chief, Dies at 68
The chief executive and culinary instigator of the McIlhenny Company invited guests to lick fiery daubs of Tabasco sauce, earning them entry into the Not So Ancient Order of the Not So Silver Spoon.


entice:動詞,慫恿、引誘。例句:The adverts entice the customer into buying things they don’t really want.(這些廣告慫恿消費者買他們並非真想要的東西。)
tr.v., -ticed, -tic·ing, -tic·es.
To attract by arousing hope or desire; lure: The promise of higher pay enticed me into the new job. See synonyms at lure.

[Middle English enticen, from Old French enticier, to instigate, possibly from Vulgar Latin *intītiāre, to set afire : Latin in-, in; see en-1 + Latin tītiō, firebrand.]
enticement en·tice'ment n.
enticer en·tic'er n.
enticingly en·tic'ing·ly adv.


  1. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
  2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
  3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings.
  4. A romantic or sexual involvement.

(ĭn'stĭ-gāt') pronunciation
tr.v., -gat·ed, -gat·ing, -gates.
  1. To urge on; goad.
  2. To stir up; foment.
[Latin īnstīgāre, īnstīgāt-.]
instigation in'sti·ga'tion n.
instigative in'sti·ga'tive adj.
instigator in'sti·ga'tor n.


Chen Shui-bian, an independence firebrand now in jail for corruption.


The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
Synonym: brand
Meaning #2: someone who deliberately foments trouble
Synonyms: instigator, provoker, inciter, instigant


in • sti • gate
instigated (過去形) • instigated (過去分詞) • instigating (現在分詞) • instigates (三人称単数現在)
1 〈人を〉扇動する, 〈人に〉(…するよう)そそのかす((to do))
instigate the students to violence
2 〈反乱などを〉そそのかして[扇動して]起こさせる
instigate a rebellion
[ラテン語instigātus(in-上に+stinguere刺す+-ATE1=刺してそそのかす). △INSTINCT, DISTINGUISH
