2019年3月6日 星期三

incapacitated, stitch-up, someone/something is a gas

"I think it would have been a gas to review DRACULA when it came out in 1897. It’s so creepy...You never quite know what’s going on, but you know it isn’t good! I bet it knocked the Victorians flat." Mary Ann Gwinn on DRACULA, well-read Seattle, and more.

The attempted stitch-up has insulted Algerians, who have taken to the streets to voice their displeasure

someone/something is a gas - definition and synonyms

  1. used for saying that someone/something makes you laugh a lot
     Synonyms and related words


Dictionary result for stitch-up

  1. an act of placing someone in a position in which they will be wrongly blamed for something, or of manipulating a situation to one's advantage.

    "he called the deal a stitch-up and said other companies were prevented from submitting higher bids"
