2022年9月28日 星期三

shoo, fast friends, bonding over their love of, policymakers face a menu of bad options

 When markets perform worse than anyone had previously expected, problems emerge and policymakers face a menu of bad options

Mewes, who was sitting next to Smith as he related this tale, laughed. One morning, Mewes showed up at Smith’s home unannounced. So what are we going to do today? he asked. Smith tried to shoo him away. But the two became fast friends, bonding over their love of music and superhero comic books.


  1. a word said to frighten or drive away a person or animal.
    "‘Shoo,’ said Mrs Beavis to her girls, and the passage emptied"
  1. make (a person or animal) go away by waving one's arms at them, saying ‘shoo’, or otherwise acting in a discouraging manner.
    "I went to comfort her but she shooed me away"
