2022年9月20日 星期二

aim, territorial aims, to cast themselves as peacemakers

Russia’s Invasion Shadows U.N. Assembly Amid ‘Colossal Global Dysfunction’

Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Emmanuel Macron of France used the gathering to cast themselves as peacemakers in the war in Ukraine.

 UPDATE | The deal is estimated to be in the tens of billions of yen. H.I.S. aims to secure funds amid a deteriorating business performance led by the decline in travel demand due to COVID.

Residents outside an aid center run by Russia in Melitopol in the Zaporizka region of Ukraine on Monday.Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Russia is expanding its territorial aims

Russia’s top diplomat said Wednesday that his country’s territorial ambitions in Ukraine might broaden as European leaders warned their citizens to prepare for sacrifices in the face of a conflict that shows no sign of ending anytime soon.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the Russian state news agency that Moscow was now casting its gaze on a swath of Ukraine’s south, specifically naming the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions as well as “a number of other territories.”

Facing an escalating conflict, the European Commission proposed rationing natural gas to save the region from a major energy crisis as Russia slashes gas exports. The proposal calls for a 15 percent reduction in gas usage by next spring. If ratified by member nations, it would put Europe’s economy on a war footing.

Definition of aim
1 : to direct a course specifically : to point a weapon at an object 
Aim carefully before shooting. 
2 : aspire, intend She aims to win.
 transitive verb. 1a : point aim a gun. b : to direct toward a specified object or goal a story aimed at children.

Meaning of cast in English
