2022年10月3日 星期一

down to speed. A crop top (also half shirt, midriff top or cutoff shirt)


She and Ms. Komatsubara both wish they had more space for clothing, which they neatly hang in their lofts. Ms. Komatsubara goes to her parents’ house at the start of every season, most recently to swap out her crop tops for sweaters.

Ukraine’s lightning offensive near Kharkiv could mark a turning-point in the war. Whether it ultimately succeeds will now be down to speed. Read more here: https://econ.trib.al/IjMs1oQ

露臍上衣(Crop top)也稱為露腹短上衣、短版上衣,是一種較短的上衣,其下擺較高,會露出肚臍或部份中腹部[1]。露臍上衣一般用在女裝,比基尼泳裝雖符合上述定義,一般不算是露臍上衣。

Credit: Metin Aktas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

A model in a crop top

A crop top (also half shirt, midriff top or cutoff shirt) is a top that exposes the waist, navel, or abdomen.[1]

  • Woman wearing a white crop top

    Woman wearing a white crop top


  • A woman wearing a crop top

    A woman wearing a crop top


  • Woman in tied shirt

    Woman in tied shirt

  •  crop

  • verb
    1. 1.
      cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short.
      "she cropped her long golden hair"

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