Rich Pedroncelli/Associated Press
California Curbing Bad Habits of Motorists
The California car has long been a second home, but a batch of new laws is chipping away at that way of life.
Jun 26, 2008 ... Obama to chip away at Clinton debt At closed meeting, former rivals also focus
‘Sushi terrorism’ chips away at Japan’s harmonious reputation
Congress, which approves the SEC's budget, has often sought to interject itself into the process of drafting accounting rules. In the mid-1990s Congress forced the FASB to back off from a rule requiring the expensing of stock options, a retreat some observers believe laid the groundwork for the backdating scandal that has now ensnared more than 200 companies.
In my weekly CNBC/Times video today, I pulled what I thought would be a brilliant stunt: I’d interview a TV salesman at Best Buy, firing a lot of typical confused-consumer questions at him. Then, during playback of that interview, I’d keep pausing the tape to correct him or interject little asides.
remembering India’s most celebrated “playback singer”
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phrasal verbs:
chip away
- To reduce or make progress on something incrementally: We chipped away until the problem was solved.
- To contribute money or labor: We all chipped in for beer.
- To interrupt with comments; interject.
- To put up chips or money as one's bet in poker and other games.
1. Contribute money, help, or advice, as in If we all chip in we'll have enough to buy a suitable gift, or Everyone chipped in with ideas for the baby shower. Mark Twain used this term in Roughing It (1872): "I'll be there and chip in and help, too." [Mid-1800s]
2. In poker and other games, to put up chips or money as one's bet. For example, I'll chip in another hundred but that's my limit or, as Bret Harte put it in Gabriel Conroy (1876): "You've jest cut up thet rough with my higher emotions, there ain't enough left to chip in on a ten-cent ante." [Mid-1800s]
chip off the old block
- A child whose appearance or character closely resembles that of one or the other parent.
- A habitually hostile or combative attitude.
- At a critical or difficult time.
[Middle English, from Old English cyp, beam, from Latin cippus.]
tr.v., -ject·ed, -ject·ing, -jects.
To insert between other elements; interpose. See synonyms at introduce.
[Latin intericere, interiect- : inter-, inter- + iacere, to throw.]
interjector in·ter·jec'tor n.interjectory in'ter·jec'to·ry (-jĕk'tə-rē) adj.