2022年5月18日 星期三

pyre, high-octane, funeral pyres, Daleks, rag magazine, smoke billows from dozens of pyres lit inside a parking lot.

The stories are told on social media and in television footage, showing desperate relatives pleading for oxygen outside hospitals or weeping in the street for loved ones who died waiting for treatment. https://to.pbs.org/3aF5RWw

Smoke billows from dozens of pyres lit inside a parking lot that has been turned into a makeshift crematorium, after India’s capital was gripped by a deadly wave of the pandemic that has deluged its hospitals and crematoriums equally.

0:10 / 1:27

Pausing their mission of conquering the universe, these robots sold rag magazines to passers-by.
Your new favorite traveling bookseller.

The Magus 中譯的不足處(兩例)

Tony 問:有沒有聽說過 外國成語中有「翻譯就是叛逆」之說?
From time to time, criticism can be made of the act of translation. ... in the Italian expression Traduttore, traditore - every translation is a betrayal.

這當然有點言重了-- 因為通常的翻譯只能考慮多義文本的某一面向 (所以或可採用注解之方式來

我們舉SIMON U 的一些朋友最近談的某些例子來說明

"牌子上刻著海明威在《流動的饗宴 》中的一句話:「這就是我們年輕時的巴黎;雖然窮,卻很快樂。」......晚年的海明威曾說:「要是我那時候死了就好了。」唉!"

HC說: 昔日即指出台灣版翻譯此"書名"雙關語未提其玄機

Rag (magazine) - definition of Rag (magazine) by The Free Dictionary

magazine. noun. 1. journal, paper, publication, supplement, rag (informal), issue, glossy (informal), pamphlet, periodical, fanzine (informal) Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines.
The Daleks are a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, created by the megalomaniacal scientist Davros of the planet Skaro to be an emotionless "master race" bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse.

The Daleks - Wikiquote


movable feast為基本曆法知識: 年によって日の異なる祝祭日 ((Easterなど)).

如硬要這樣說 或許可考慮"巴黎不散的筵席"....

adjective [before noun]
1 describes fuel that is of very good quality:
high-octane fuel
high-octane UK petrol/US gas

2 full of energy or very powerful:
a high-octane performance

例文a pyre:火葬壇 ◇ a funeral pyre:火葬用のまきの山. ◇ the widow leapt into the funeral pyre:未亡人は、火葬用のまきの山に飛び込んだ ◇ indeed, now appeared upon the burning pyre;:薪が燃えている中にその姿があった。 ◇ who, in an instant of mad generosity, was about to rush upon the pyre.:彼は、無鉄砲な高潔の念から、薪のところに突き進もうとしていたのだ。......
noun [C]
a large pile of wood on which a dead body is burnt in some parts of the world:
A traditional Indian custom used to involve widows burning themselves alive on their husbands' funeral pyres.

He took my mother with him. Their plane crashed, a high-octane pyre, in a thunderstorm some forty miles east of Karachi.

John Fowles 用" pyre ━━ n. 火葬用の薪の山."是適合印度-巴勒斯坦的情境之用語 不是中文本的火葬(它有許多種方式)可盡說明 而 high-octane 更有點玩世不恭味道

A High-Octane Luxury Car Auction

...The oaks beening felled for Hercules'  pyre.
