Amazon's Kindle is a tech-industry miracle. That sounds over-the-top; it's not.
Her battles with the left—especially the miners—gave her a reputation as a blue-rinse Boadicea. But she was just as willing to clobber the right, sidelining old-fashioned Tory "wets" and unleashing her creed on conservative strongholds, notably by setting off the "big bang" in the City of London.
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Blog | Daniel Politi Man Who Was Mauled in Bronx Zoo "Wanted To Be One With the Tiger" |
Television is not much better off. The difference in value between a broadcast viewer and an online equivalent is around three to one. But that discrepancy is expected to widen as traditional television sets are replaced with TVs that can download video direct from the internet, and more entertainment websites spring up to cater for this burgeoning “over-the-top” demand. Already viewers have started cancelling their $70 cable or satellite subscriptions, and downloading their favourite television shows from online sites like Hulu or YouTube for nothing or, at most, a small pay-as-you-go fee. Likewise, sales of DVDs are being clobbered, as Netflix and others allow customers to stream unlimited movies direct to their television sets for $9 a month
Prime Minister Gordon Brown suffered a verbal mauling at the hands, and tongues, of merciless and brazen Conservative opponents in the House of Commons.
《中英對照讀新聞》’Supergran’ beats off robbers with handbag 「超級阿嬤」用手提包擊退搶匪
A British pensioner who "clobbered" a gang of six armed men with her handbag during a jewelry heist has admitted she "may have been foolish" to intervene.
The woman, who declined to be named, said she was talking to a woman when she heard a commotion and saw six young men on scooters.
"At first I thought one of them was being set upon by three others. I was not going to stand by and watch somebody take a beating or worse so I tried to intervene."
A video clip of the woman, dressed in a red coat, dashing down a busy street armed only with a black handbag has been broadcast worldwide.
"When I got closer to them I realised it was a robbery and then I was even more angry that they felt they could get away with what they were doing in broad daylight," she said.
The woman can be seeing battering three men with her handbag as they used sledgehammers to smash the windows of a jewelry store, while three accomplices waited nearby on mopeds.
The unnamed heroine, dubbed "supergran" and the "handbag heroine" by the British press, said "I’m not a hero and it was maybe foolish of me to get involved but somebody had to do something."
set upon︰使襲擊。例句︰The old woman was set upon by two masked men.(這名老婦遭到兩名蒙面男子襲擊。)
stand by︰袖手旁觀。例句︰How can you just stand by and watch the big boys beat your little brother?(你怎能看著幾個大男孩毆打你小弟卻袖手不管?)
get away with︰(做壞事)得逞。例句︰How did he get away with cheating?(他作弊是如何得逞的?)
heist, enterprise. (be)on the run
Exceeding the normal bounds; immoderate; extravagant: "The hotel pours it on. You're in for an over-the-top experience" (Travel & Leisure).
clob·ber (klŏb'ər)
tr.v. Slang, -bered, -ber·ing, -bers.
- To strike violently and repeatedly; batter or maul.
- To defeat decisively.
- To criticize harshly.
[Origin unknown.]
- 発音記号[mɔ'ːl]
1 (くいなどを打ち込む)大づち.
2 騒々しいけんか[口論].
3 《ラグビー》モール.
1 …を乱暴に[手ひどく]扱う;(乱暴に打ったり突いたりなどして)…を傷つける, に打ち傷を負わせる.
2 …を酷評する.
3 ((米))〈切り株などを〉(maulとくさびで)打ち割る, 裂く.blue rinse
Syllabification: (blue rinse)
Translate blue rinse | into Italian noun
(blue-rinse or blue-rinsed) [attributive] informal derogatoryBoudicca
Syllabification: (Bou·dic·ca)
Pronunciation: /bo͞oˈdikə/