2022年5月3日 星期二

deep dive, deep discounts on the price. paean, pedantry, immortality. John Oliver: Taiwan worth deep dive

Russia Could Sell More Energy to Asia, but Has to Slash Prices

Russia wants to sell more oil and coal to China and India, but Western sanctions may make that hard unless Russia offers deep discounts on the price.

Taipei Times
6月22日上午11:31 ·

A petition was launched last week to request the British-American comedian, who was once banned in China for roasting Xi Jinping, to do an episode on Taiwan

John Oliver: Taiwan worth deep dive - Taipei Times
British-American John Oliver roasted Chinese leader Xi Jinping (習近平)

The Choco Taco: Investigating A Classic American Treat
Food writer Jason Cohen took a deep dive into the history of the Choco…


Coca-Cola is encouraging consumers to “open happiness.” Pepsi-Cola is replacing the o’s in words like “hope” with its new logo, which resembles a smiling face. Other products with paeans to the power of positive thinking -- and consuming -- include SoBe Lifewater and Starbucks.

It was a sad ending, but also typically Russian. As Solzhenitsyn himself noted in “The First Circle,” the writer is like a second government in a dictatorship. The paradox is that the moral authority gained through prophetic and powerful writing undermines the creativity at its source. Like many great Russian writers, Solzhenitsyn achieved immortality before he became conscious of his power, which then turned into pedantry.
None of that detracts from the paean to the human spirit of “Ivan Denisovich,” the great conflicts of his major novels, or the majestic anger of “Gulag.” To his credit, Solzhenitsyn struggled to the end to maintain the power and purity of these great works.


Jacques Cousteau
Thanks to oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, the underwater world is a little less mysterious. Cousteau, along with Emile Gagnan, invented the open-circuit scuba (aka aqualung), which revolutionized underwater exploration by allowing divers to go deeper and spend more time in the sea's depths. An early activist in marine conservation, he was a pioneer in underwater photography; his award-winning films and TV shows introduced the world to the teeming life that inhabits the deep blue seas. Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born on this date in 1910. Quote

"Aye Calypso, the places you've been to, the things that you've shown us, the stories you tell; Aye Calypso, I sing to your spirit, the men who have served you so long and so well." — John Denver, in his paean to Cousteau's boat, Calypso

Urban Dictionary: deep dive


Top Definitiondeep dive. An in-depth or comprehensive review of a topic. The speaker informed the board of directors that she would provide a deep dive on ...

"One must pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still alive."
--from "Ecce Homo" (1888)

英語での deep dive の意味 - Cambridge Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › english

We will go into deep dives on each of these topics in my presentation. 例文をもっと見る. In this session, Rob will take you on a deep dive into the world ...

  1. the ability to live forever; eternal life.
    "eating the fruit gave the gods immortality"


noun [C] LITERARY ━━ n. 喜びの歌, 賛歌; 勝利の歌.
a song, film or piece of writing that praises someone or something very enthusiastically:
The song is a paean to solitude and independence.


━━ n. 学者ぶること; 衒学(げんがく); 杓(しゃく)子定規な理屈; 学者ぶった言葉[行為].
