2019年7月25日 星期四

panoptic, Panoptica, catalogue of Cotsen Children's Library,

Cotsen Children's Library, Princeton University recently published a two-volume, folio-size descriptive catalogue of more than 6,370 19th-century books in their collections. “It’s a virtual visit to this library for a panoptic look at the 19th-century children’s books in [Cotsen],” said Stephen Ferguson, Acting Associate University Librarian for Rare Books and Special Collections.

【藝術風景|2018 Hugo Boss大獎:西蒙.雷伊,避靜的窺孔】
 紐約古根漢美術館現正展出2018年Hugo Boss獎得主西蒙.雷伊(Simone Leigh)的最新作品。雷伊的藝術創作範疇含括雕塑、影像與社會參與式創作,主要關注黑人女性的經驗與能動性。展覽名稱中「避靜的窺孔」(Loophole of Retreat)即引用美國廢奴主義者哈莉葉.雅各(Harriet Jacobs)於1861年以化名發表的自傳《一名奴隸女孩一生中的事件》其中一章節名稱,講述她奮力奔往自由的個人史,這般勇敢與剛毅也在雷伊的作品中突顯。(節選自《藝術家》531期,2019年8月號)
圖說:西蒙.雷伊 Panoptica 2019 赤陶土管、赤陶土煙囪、鋼、酒椰葉纖維 317.5×304.8cm 古根漢美術館展場一景(Photo: David Heald)Courtesy the artist and Luhring Augustine, New York. ©2019 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

Panoptic definition, permitting the viewing of all parts or elements: a panoptic stain used in microscopy; a panoptic aerial photograph of an enemy missile base. See more.


  1. showing or seeing the whole at one view.

    "a panoptic aerial view"
