2019年7月28日 星期日

anaemic, anemic, anemically, HANDOVER, hangover helpers

Can Aldi's international business make up for anaemic growth at home?


Aldi and Lidl are doing less well at home as shoppers splash out
German consumers have become less stingy

Considering director John Williams’ background making music videos for Radiohead and Coldplay, it’s surprising that his debut feature, the rock-infused “The Beat Beneath My Feet,” plods along so anemically.

Ben Chen
Bob Dylan 終於要去斯德哥爾摩領諾貝爾文學奬和證書了。但是要求不能有媒體在場!
"Dylan requested no media attend the handover. "

He’ll meet the academy this weekend, before delivering a taped Nobel Lecture

In short, look for a post-bubble world to remain in recession throughout 2009, followed by an anaemic recovery, at best, in 2010. In an era of globalisation, we became intoxicated with what cross-border linkages were able to deliver on the upside of a boom. But as that boom went to excess and spawned a lethal globalisation of asset bubbles, the inevitable bust now poses an exceedingly tough hangover.

简言之,预计后泡沫世界将在2009年全年持续衰退,在最好的情况下,于2010年出现疲弱的复苏。在这个全球化时代,我们陶醉于经济鼎盛时期跨境联系所 能带来的利益。然而,随着这种繁荣走向过剩,并造成毁灭性的资产泡沫全球化,不可避免的泡沫破灭如今带来了非常严重的后遗症。

In an interview, Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said he believes the iPhone represents a rare launch of a new computing "platform," as evidenced by a rush of iPhone software development by other companies. He said past efforts by rivals to establish new mobile software platforms resulted in mostly anemic applications.
"There's been nothing on a mobile phone a fraction as good as what's on PCs," Mr. Jobs said.

Ms. Perez, 42, also has a part-time job at a clothing boutique and is training to be a tour guide; the music business here is still too anemic for her to depend on it for her livelihood. “You just get into as many projects as you can,” Ms. Perez says. “I’m in, like, five different bands and that’s kind of the case with a lot of musicians in town.”

most common hangover helpers

3. Top 10 Hangover Cures

We know, we know — you'll never drink again. In honor of New Year's Eve, TIME gives you the most common hangover helpers. (We can't guarantee any of them will actually work.

anaemia, MAINLY US anemia
noun [U]貧血
a medical condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the blood:
The main symptoms of anaemia are tiredness and pallor.

1 (MAINLY US anemic) suffering from anaemia:
Lack of iron in your diet can make you anaemic.

2 lacking energy and effort:
Both actors gave fairly anaemic performances.
