2019年7月8日 星期一

Bro-iness, encamp, scores, septuagenarian, fowl, swine/pig, octogenarian、nonagenarian

誰將代表民主黨在2020年大選中迎戰特朗普?目前,這個問題的答案似乎指向前副總統喬·拜登。對此,時報專欄作家查爾斯·布洛在最近的一篇文章中稱:“我們不需要用一個七旬老兄來代替一個七旬暴君。”(We don't need to replace a septuagenarian brute with a septuagenarian bro.)

The Bro-iness of Joe Biden
The leading Democratic presidential contender could benefit from being less resistant toward his critics.

“Septuagenarian brute”指的是特朗普,“septuagenarian bro”則指拜登,特朗普與拜登同為1940年代生人,所以他們都屬於“ septuagenarian ”,即“70多歲的人”、 “年逾古稀之人”。

Andrew Hinderaker
80 Arrested in Financial District Protest
The police in New York City made scores of arrests as hundreds of people, many of whom had been encamped in a lengthy protest, marched north to Union Square.

Incredibly, Schroeder survived this traumatic incident -- but the septuagenarian died last year due to complications that arose from his cancer.

Sepp Blatter, FIFA’s president, told Swiss television on the day of his re-election: “Why would I step down? That would mean I recognise that I did wrong.” At a press conference on Tuesday—so hastily convened that only a dozen journalists were present—the Swiss septuagenarian announced his resignation http://econ.st/1Mi3lBl

孟子: 梁惠王上- 雞豚狗彘之畜,無失其時,七十者可以食肉矣 ...

Dog-lovers have rescued hundreds of pooches destined for South Korean tables. Dog meat is still popular in parts of Asia but keeping them as pets is becoming more so http://econ.st/1QBYCwy

“IF FOWLS, pigs, dogs and swine are properly bred without missing their proper seasons, there will be meat for septuagenarians.” So said Mencius, a revered...

swine ‎(plural swine or swines)
  1. (plural swine) Any of various omnivorous, even-toed ungulates of the family Suidae.
  2. (pejorative) A contemptible person (plural swines).
  3. (slang, derogatory) A police officer; a "pig".
  1. ぶた
  2. 下劣な人
pig (複数 pigs 又は swine)
  1. ぶた
  2. (俗)警察官

Fowl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Fowl are birds belonging to one of two biological orders, namely the gamefowl or landfowl (Galliformes) and the waterfowl (Anseriformes). Studies of anatomical ...

Pronunciation: /ˌsɛptjʊədʒɪˈnɛːrɪən/

Definition of septuagenarian in English:


A person who is between 70 and 79 years old.


Late 18th century: from Latin septuagenarius (based on septuaginta 'seventy') -an.



(ĕn-kămp') pronunciation

v., -camped, -camp·ing, -camps. v.intr.
To set up camp or live in a camp.

To provide quarters for in a camp: encamp migrant workers near the fields.


  • A group of 20 items. four scores  指80歲等
  • scores Large numbers: Scores of people attended the rally.

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