2018年8月11日 星期六

take your foot off the pedal. take our foot off the gas.

The tariff makes us feel we need to take our foot off the gas.” Trump's trade skirmish is forcing small firms to rethink their businesses.

take your foot off the pedal (phrase) definition and synonyms ...

Define take your foot off the pedal (phrase) and get synonyms. What is take your foot off the pedal (phrase)? take your foot off the pedal (phrase) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.

gas 是gas pedal 油门踏板 take our foot off the gas 把脚从油门踏板松开这里没有上文, 句子可能是紧缩经济或货币政策的比喻比如: to reduce the risk of inflation, the central bank may need to take it's foot off the gas 
