2018年8月9日 星期四

apportion. Exhibit A, stress and strain

In 2014 and 2015 the inhabitants of Flint drank contaminated tap water that was potentially lethal. Citizens have brought cases against the city's officials, but apportioning blame has proved difficult
How can middle powers build constructive relationships with an ever more powerful China, without allowing themselves to be pushed around? Australia is attempting to thread that needle.

Also in April, Japan celebrated Exhibit A for that goal:“mama astronaut” Naoko Yamazaki, who was part of a recent space shuttle crew.」 

stress and strain 是材料力學的專有名詞 It is unique for each material and is found by recording the amount of deformation (strain) at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive loading (stress). ,這些由機械Bing等來翻譯最方便,所以"應力和應變"是其對應術語。問題是,平常人不懂得這些,這可以從一本日本的英和辭典看出來:stress and strain在日常用語似可當近乎同義語。
1 [C][U]((時にa ~))(精神的な)圧迫,圧力,抑圧,ストレス,緊張,緊迫
stresses and strains

University of Essex Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies

 1. to give or share out something, especially blame or money, among several people or things: 
 2. to give or share something among several people or things: 3. to share something between several ...

 Exhibit A


  • 1An object or collection of objects on public display in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.
    ‘the museum is rich in exhibits’
    1. 1.1North American An exhibition.
      ‘people flocked to the exhibit in record-breaking numbers’
    2. 1.2Law A document or other object produced in a court as evidence.
      ‘many exhibits, including the cockpit voice recordings, will be produced in court’

Exhibit A

通報する ... 等値」、「同値」

 Exhibit A is the first piece of evidence presented. Exhibit B the second, etc. |"to show something in a public place for.
