2018年8月12日 星期日

pee party, Keeps Going and Going

In their efforts to stop Trump, it seems like people have tried everything...

I Went to a Donald Trump-Themed Pee Party
The Los Angeles-based collective Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump spent a recent evening peeing on men dressed as the president.

John Goodenough is striving to "transform the battery world" with a second breakthrough in speed and capacity.

when a group of friends (female, but could be male also) unfortunately decide to go to the bathroom together, and hold a conversation while they all pee. most people would find this awkward.
I don't appreciate it when Carrie decides to join me for a pee party.
 “Keep going.”には、. Keep は保持する、継続するという意味があります。 going はいく、なので. 直訳すると、行き続けるとなります。 「続けて」「頑張って(続けなさい)」 「その調子でやり続け ...
